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来吧,从圣火中,盘旋转动。Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre.

圣火在闪耀,如同天上星芒。Flame is the light like a star in the sky.

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消耗圣火可发动嬗变术。Pyros is expended to power Transmutations.

在您的国家有抵制奥运圣火的事件吗?Is the Olympic Torch boycotted in your country?

阻止她,奎托斯!千万不要让她回归圣火!Stop her Kratos! Do not let her into the Flame!

炎黄坚毅的热血,如炽烈的圣火。Chinese blood of fortitude, like the burning holy fire.

第五个吉祥物是熊熊燃烧的奥运圣火。The fifth mascot is the brightly burning Olympic flame.

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之后参与本届奥运会的204个与会国都将收到一枚圣火花瓣作为纪念。Each nation will receive one of the cauldron's 204 petals.

这是启示,灵魂的惩戒,圣火将烧尽一切。It's revelation, soul castigation, Fire will burn us away.

奥运圣火今日起开始在陕西进行为期3天的传递。The Olympic torch starts its 3-day relay in Shaanxi today.

奥运圣火今日开始在辽宁进行为期3天的传递。The Olympic torch starts its 3-day relay in Liaoning today.

圣火和圆圈是赫斯提亚的象征。The sacred flame and the circle are both symbols for Hestia.

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因为我们心中永远燃烧着不灭圣火。Because there is Olympic flame shinning inside of us forever.

奥运圣火今日开始在山西进行为期3天的传递。The Olympic torch relay starts its 3-day leg in Shanxi today.

您是否支持奥运圣火登珠峰?Are you a supporter of the Olympic Torch going to Mt. Everest?

4日和5日,奥运圣火将前往乐山市和成都市进行传递。Leshan and Chengdu will hold the torch relay on August 4 and 5.

火炬塔里燃烧着一团火焰,让人想到奥林匹克圣火。A fire burns in the cauldron, as a reminder of the Olympic flame.

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奥运圣火今日将在湖南湘潭、韶山进行传递。The Olympic torch reaches Chairman Mao's hometown today in Hunan.

圣火传递将持续130天,包括2万名火炬手。The relay will last 130 days, involving over 20,000 torchbearers.

从神而来的圣火说到神的同在和祂的悦纳。The holy fire from God spoke of God's presence and His acceptance.