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杨宝很珍爱这只小鸟。He loved his little bird.

她珍爱她的像册。She treasures her photo album.

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她珍爱她的相册。She treasures her photo album.

心灵的安慰是我珍爱的花儿。Heartsease is my favorite flower.

在一个珍爱的地方扎根永驻。Rooted in one dear perpetual place.

他一直珍爱着这个大钟,并因此而骄傲。And was always his treasure and pride.

后记请我们珍爱自己的生命!Postscript please we cherish own life!

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你最珍爱的所有物是?What is your most treasured possession?

不管什么样的食物,雷诺特都珍爱有加。Food of all kinds he loved and lavished.

他珍爱自己收集的古董。He cherishes his collection of antiques.

它是人间的宝藏,需要我们珍爱。It nees to be cherished as the treasure.

生命就是希望,所以我们要珍爱生命.Life is hope, so we should cherish life.

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他用他珍爱的事物把这一天填得满满的。He fills his day with the things he loves.

珍爱生命,给孩子家,健康和希望。Home, health and Hope for children in need!

它最珍爱的制造业衰退了。Its most cherished industries are crumbling.

但是,我最珍爱的却是一只小木船。However, my most cherished is a small wooden boat.

卸下伪装,解除战备,好好疼惜珍爱真实的自我。Taking off my mask and armor, I cherish my true self.

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不管看上去有多难,总会遍得容易首先要珍爱自己。No metter how hard it seems , it will get much easier.

珍爱生命,注意安全,锻炼身体,讲究卫生。Love life, take care safety, do exercise and be hygiene.

现在的艺术家仍然对文艺复新时期的艺术珍爱有加。Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists or today.