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她掌握家里的实权/她是一家之主。She is the boss in the house.

但是罗马有实权但是没有国王。But Rome had real power and yet no king.

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他们也不会允许议会握有实权。Nor can it allow a parliament to have real power.

他只是一个傀儡,并不掌握多少实权。He was a figure-head and didn't exercise much power.

他是一个没有实权的统治者,只是徒有虚名而已。He is a ruler without power, a mere fly on the wheel.

我在公司里除了有建议之权外,什么实权也没有。I have not any power in the firm except to recommend.

他常常被取笑为没有实权的人。He is frequently derided as someone with no real power.

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红柳滩掌握实权的的是64岁王克华。The man in charge in Hongliutan is 64-year-old Wang Kehua.

这样一来,就更有利于博尔曼操纵实权了。Thus actual power had shifted still more in Bormann's favor.

政府内部的一群握有实权的精英控制着对外政策。The power elite inside the government is controlling foreign policy.

白崇禧将军被任命为国防部长,这是一个没有什么实权的职务。General Pai was appointed defense minister, a post with little meaning.

然而,直布罗陀的实权似乎操控在叟猴手上。However, it seems the real power lies in the hands of the Barbary Apes.

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慈禧是光绪皇帝的母后,掌握着国家实权。Cixi is Emperor Guangxu's mother. She holds the real power of the country.

布什先生是主任,可他的副手却是幕后真正的实权人物。Mr Bush is the director, but his deputy is the real power behind the throne.

党可望摆脱有实权突尼斯的第一次选举。The party is expected to emerge from Tunisia's first elections with real power.

凡政府实权之所在,必存压制之危险。Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression.

伊莉莎白二世拥有至高的社会名望,但没有政治或经济上的实权。Queen Elizabeth II has all the social prestige, but no political or economic power.

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斯奎布无政府联合体由一些社群组成,并由一名无实权的国王统治。The Squib Polyanarchy consists of communities ruled by a single, but distant, king.

彼得是委员会的主任,但幕后的实权人物是他的父亲。Peter is the president of the committee, but his father is the man behind the scenes.

中国企业实权的模糊性同样表现在其挂名总裁上。The opacity of power is also reflected by the role of the titular heads of Chinese firms.