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我要的是正义。I want justice.

抑或是正义得到了伸张?Justice served?

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不过我要的是正义。Still I want justice.

正义有长臂…天网恢恢,疏而不漏。Justice has long arms.

但这是哪一种的正义呢?But what kind of justice?

愿上帝维护正义。May God defend the right.

凡是正义的事业都是不可战胜的。A just cause is invincible.

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我是正义的斯莱特林。I am a righteous Slytherin.

正义必将得到申张。Justice will assert itself.

正义需要反思。Justice requires reflection.

决不能摧毁正义。Force can never destory right.

暴力决不能摧毁正义。Force can never destory right.

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他们在打一场正义战争。They were fighting a just war.

他表示愿意维护正义。He proffered to uphold justice.

正义是不会生锈的金属。Justice is a noncorrosive metal.

正义使国家兴盛。Righteousness exalteth a nation.

人类正义和神圣的正义Human Justice and Divine Justice.

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正义即一个人的忠诚。Justice is devotion to one's own.

对一切人都应给以正义。To no man will we refuse justice.

正义是否在我们主审的法庭上得到伸张?Was justice done in our courtroom?