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工地入口,请慢行。Slow down.Site entrance.

简直像个工地!It looks like a building-site!

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我们快拢工地了。We are almost on the worksite now.

戈多梅在科托努工地。Godomey's construction site in Cotonou.

他将每隔一天去工地。He will go the worksite every other day.

我一路跑着从车站赶到工地。I flew from the station to the worksite.

工人们用推土机把建筑工地推平。The workers bulldozed the building site.

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进入此工地须戴安全帽。Safety helmets must be worn on this site.

每天有15吨落尘笼罩工地。Everyday 15 tons of dust smothers the site.

为什么严禁开过的焊条桶在工地上使用?Why open welding rod can't used on our site?

湖南省白沙镇的工地。Construction in Bai Sha Town in Henan Province.

这就是当时修建林公渠的工地场景。This shows how the Lingong Canal was built then.

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到工地的所有参不雅观者必需带上安全帽。All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.

我们该动身去工地了,你们也该去了。We must start for the work-site now. So must you.

他循声跑过去,来到一处建筑工地。Following the sound, he found a construction site.

走进工地像牢房,不如回家放牛羊。Like cells into the site, as home-cattle and sheep.

他们已经画出工地平面图。They have traced the plan of the construction site.

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他已到工地,马上就投入了工作。Upon his arrival at the worksite , he began to work.

人工地把守进展导致了延迟和等待。Artificially gating progress creates delays and wait.

顾阡陌来到明天集团的工地上做水泥工。Gu buildings to group sites for cement work tomorrow.