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请给他搬个坐位来。Please get her a seat.

你能不能给我一个前面的坐位?Can you get me a seat in the front ?

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到了毕业年,她们坐位远了。To graduate years, they seat is far.

火车上设有坐位预留吗?Are there reserved seats on the train?

给老师留几个坐位。Reserve several seats for the teachers.

谢谢,你能带我到我的坐位上吗?Thank you. Could you direct me to my seat?

请你把你的坐位让给这位老人好吗?Will you please give your seat to this old man?

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协助病人取坐位或侧卧位。Assist client to sitting or side-lying position.

咱们换一换位置好吗?我想坐一坐你的坐位。Can we switch over I'd like to sit in your seat.

有些人把石块堆成一个坐位。There are some who make stalls of paving-stones.

教师没有让这两个小男孩换坐位。The teacher didn't let the two boys change seats.

谢谢,你想要靠窗的坐位,还是过道的坐位?Thank you, Would you like a window seat, or a aisle seat?

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分别比较两组药前、后第2、4、6、8周末坐位血压和心率的变化。BP and HR were examined 2, 4, 6, and 8 wks after treatment.

汤姆从靠窗的坐位上爬了下来跑到门口。Tommy crawled down from the window-seat and ran to the door.

这时,他注意到妻子在他的坐位上东看西瞧地找东西。That was when he noticed his wife looking around in her seat.

家就是我的坐位罢了,要是能在乡间安个家就更好了。What is a house but a sedes, a seat?— better if a country seat.

年轻人占有老年人的专用坐位是不礼貌的。It is bad manners for the young to take up the seats for the old.

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我们共4位,请给我们找个靠窗的坐位。We have 4 people. Could you give me the seats next to the window?

我也在那四架航机上,在每一张坐位,聆听每一个祷告。I was on all four of those planes, in every seat, with every prayer.

他慢吞吞地从坐位上站起来,开始一字一板地讲话。He rose slowly from his chair and began to speak in a deliberate way.