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用温热的墨西哥玉米饼佐餐。Serve with warm corn tortillas.

温热的涂油式阿育吠陀风格Ayurvedic style with warm sesame oil

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使用后用温热的洗洁精清洗。Use mild detergent to wash after use.

温热的泪水模糊了他冰冷的潜水镜。Warm tears misted his cold dive mask.

这就是我们所熟知的城市高温热岛效应。This is known as the urban heat-island effect.

那么也许可以泡上一杯温热的花茶。A warm, soothing mug of herbal tea might, though.

微波高温热雪里红三分钟。High heat the pickled mustard 3 min. in microwave.

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将甘油轻度加热,加到温热。Warm the glycerin slightly to lukewarm temperature.

阳光温热,岁月静好,你若不来我怎敢老去。The sun warm, quiet days good to me if you dare old.

请使用温热水冲烫消毒,请勿蒸煮消毒。Do not sterilize by steam sterilizer or boiled water.

矿床属于中低温热液矿床。The deposit is a mesothermal-low temperature deposit.

鹅卵石路上撒满温热的石头碎片。The warm stones strewed their flakes upon the cobble.

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哈图金矿局岩浆期后中温热液矿床。Ha-Tu Gold Deposit is a postmagmatic mesothermal deposit.

体现在夜间,摆放在桌前那一杯温热的牛奶。Reflect in the night, put on the table a glass of warm milk.

矿床成因为中温热液充填交代型。The orgin of deposit belongs to medium thermal filling type.

放置使其冷却至温热,用干净的餐布把每个的松脱的外皮去掉。Cool to warm, then rub off any loose skins in a kitchen towel.

手心依然还有让誐感动的温热。The control still also has warming up which that lets me be moved.

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阳光温热,岁月静好,你还不来,我怎敢老去?。The sun warm, quiet years, you still don't come, how can I get old?

阳光温热,岁月静好。你若不来,我怎敢老去。The sun warm, years static. If you don't come, how dare I grow old.

我用手环住鹿的吻部,往它温热的嘴里吹气。I cupped the deers muzzle in my hand and breathed into its hot mouth.