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今天是个大吃大喝的日子!Today is one pig-out day!

她把她的钱财都大吃大喝光了。She guzzled away all her money.

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大吃大喝会让你昏昏欲睡。Large meals can make you drowsy.

穷人挨饿,而富人在大吃大喝。The poor starve while the rich feast.

别在正式宴会上大吃大喝,那样很不礼貌!Don't make a pig of yourself at dinner party!

她大吃大喝的好像三天没吃饭。She pigged out like he hasn't eaten for 3 days.

他在餐厅里大吃大喝,真丢脸。He made a real pig of himself at the restaurant.

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她大吃大喝都不会变胖,我却连喝白水都会变脂肪。She eats a lot, still fit. I ate a little but now fat!

他们每到星期天总要大吃大喝,直到快把肚子胀破。They habitually gorged to the bursting point on Sunday.

一个顿满意的晚餐可以帮你避免晚上的大吃大喝。A satisfying dinner will help you avoid a late-night pigout.

不久,她升华了自己的焦虑,开始和我一样大吃大喝起来。In time, she sublimated her own anxieties and began to eat like me.

避免大吃大喝,但每隔几小时吃一些高碳水化合物低脂肪的食品。Avoid big meals but munch high-carbon, low-fat acks every few hours.

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该宴会上有些人又唱又跳,有些则是大吃大喝。At the party some were singing and dancing while others were feasting.

避免大吃大喝,但每隔几小时吃一些高碳水化合物低脂肪的食品。Avoid big meals but munch high-carbon, low-fat snacks every few hours.

他的部下也不象许多军阀的军队那样大吃大喝。His followers did not carouse, like the troops of many warlord armies.

由于距离远,所以餐桌上的大吃大喝变成了无声的精灵欢宴。Distance muted the gorging and tippling at the table to an elfin conviviality.

人们杀猪宰羊,忙碌地准备着春节大吃大喝一番。Peoplepig, busily preparing for the Spring Festival after eating and drinking.

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人们杀猪宰羊,忙碌地准备着春节大吃大喝一番。People kill pig to kill sheep, busily preparing a Spring Festival belly-worship.

考古学家们认为宴会不仅仅是坐在一起大吃大喝。Archaeologists consider feasting to be more than just sitting down to eat a lot of food.

如果你不停止这种大吃大喝的话,你会跟奶妈一样肥的,那样我就会和你离婚的。If you don't stop being such a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy then I'll divorce you.