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巫师利用梦来诊断疾病。to diagnose illness.

首先是诊断。First, the diagnosis.

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诊断我,标签我。Diagnosing me labels me.

错误的诊断是危险的。Misdiagnosis is dangerous.

掉发是如何诊断的?How is hair loss diagnosed?

如何诊断白内障?How are cataracts diagnosed?

血管瘤如何诊断?How are hemangiomas diagnosed?

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但是他的预后诊断并不确定。But his prognosis was uncertain.

如何诊断药物过敏?。How do you diagnose drug allergy?

如何疥螨病诊断?。How is sarcoptic mange diagnosed?

别…别尝试给我下诊断,维罗纳。Don't try and diagnose me, Verona.

胚胎植入前的诊断。Preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

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振动诊断程序?。VDP? Vibration Diagnostic Program?

如何诊断三尖瓣闭锁?。How is tricuspid atresia diagnosed?

那么你会怎么诊断这个问题呢?How might you diagnose the problem?

一个,但是他必须参照精神疾病诊断手册第四版。One, but he must consult the DSM-IV.

医生诊断错了。The doctor was out in his diagnosis.

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王林被诊断为肺结核。Wang was diagnosed with tuberculosis.

如何诊断咳嗽变异性哮喘?How is cough-variant asthma diagnosed?

本病最好的诊断方法是行腰骶椎MRI检查。MRI is the best way for the diagnosis.