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底脚螺栓松动。Foot stud loose.

螺栓同志电影47。Stud gay Movies 47.

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他把螺栓扭紧。He fastened the bolt.

方头螺栓的俯视图。Top view of square nut.

拆去支撑螺栓盖。Remove anchor bolt cover.

它是金斯利棚房的螺栓。It was Kingsley Shacklebolt.

拆卸手轮固定螺栓。Remove handwheel retaining bolt.

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你的意思是玩他身上的螺栓吗?You mean to play with his bolts?

大约在2000年,螺栓被移走了。Around 2000 the bolt was removed.

羊眼螺丝,羊眼螺栓,羊眼栓。Screw eyes, screw eye , eye bolts.

它扭断了所有的螺栓。So all screws and bolts she breaks.

他用板手松开了螺栓。He used a wrench to loosen the bolt.

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老虎钳是用螺栓拧在工作台上。The vice is bolted to the work-bench.

老虎钳是用螺栓拧在工作台上的。The vice is bolted to the work-bench.

钻头的销子和螺栓和脊髓。Drill bits for dowel and bolts and cord.

交替旋入六角头螺栓。Screw in hexagon-head bolts alternately.

销孔螺栓在服役期限内发生断裂。Pin hole bolt ruptures under its service.

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删除3螺栓控股头灯在的地方。Remove 3 bolts holding headlamp in place.

半圆头低方颈螺栓。Round head low square neck carriage bolts.

螺栓的撞针在其体内精。The bolt has firing pin milled in its body.