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这简直荒唐。This was ludicrous.

多么荒唐的念头!What an absurd idea!

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那种立场是荒唐的。That position is absurd.

简直是荒唐至极。That is manifestly absurd.

他满脑子荒唐念头。His head is full of nonsense.

这是一个很荒唐的要求。It is such an absurd requirement.

这真是一个荒唐的场面。It was really an absurd spectacle.

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嗳呀,多么荒唐!吞咽了一只鸟!Now, how absurd! To swallow a bird!

那项提议几乎是荒唐的。The proposal borders upon the absurd.

这种说法当然很荒唐。The argument is, of course, ludicrous.

一位乐评家称这一事件“荒唐可笑”。One critic called the event “ludicrous.”

他说的就是个荒唐的故事。What he said is but a cock-and bull story.

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谁在这个荒唐的时刻打电话给我?Who is calling me up at this unearthly hour?

我不会接受那样荒唐的看法。I wouldn't entertain such an outragious idea.

她自言自语地说这种想法很荒唐。She said to herself that the idea was absurd.

佐佛来男爵却不以为有什么荒唐的地方。Sir Geoffrey would have none of the absurdity.

纽约银行反驳说这种解释简直荒唐。The bank dismisses that explanation as absurd.

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他们开始扩增到近似荒唐的地步。They began to swell to the point of absurdity.

他们对艺术的见解是荒唐可笑的。Thrir opinions on art are simpy for the birds.

Pakaluk最后的论点是最荒唐无稽的。Pakaluk’s final argument is the most ludicrous.