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你想给我来个下马威?Are you trying to psych me out ?

这是中国对美国的一个下马威。China challenging the US to a duel.

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新队伍“霹雳火”在第一天就给了王星一个大大的下马威。New team fire bang on the first day gave wang a big duel.

当她第一次登她男友家门时,他的母亲就给了她一个下马威。She was hazed when first entering her boyfriend's house by his mother.

我认为这主要原因是给亚里士多德传统一个下马威。Well the main is, I think to kick the Aristotelian tradition into touch.

这个教练军士一开始就给全体新兵一个下马威。The drill sergeant begins by putting the fear of God up every new recruit.

这个教练中士一开始就给全体新兵一个下马威。The drill sergeant begins by putting the fear of God into every new recruit.

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突如其来的金融危机,给了刚刚毕业的大学生刘强一个实实在在的下马威。The sudden financial crisis, just to the graduates of a down-to-earth Liu Qiang did.

第一天给我的下马威远远超出我的预期,我几乎感到惊呆了,但现在我们已经适应了这种节奏。The first day was tougher than I ever imagined – quite a shock. Now, we have settled into a rhythm.

而比赛开始后大连队的表现也着实给了客队一个下马威。The game began after the performance of the Dalian team has really given a visiting team Xia Mawei.

所罗门知道世上根本无此物,只想给其大臣一个下马威。Solomon knew that no such ring existed in the world, but he wished to give his minister a little taste of humility.

一进门,二狗就给了个下马威,指着前厅的两扇门称正对大门漏风不聚财,必须改动。A door, two dogs will give a blow, the two door pointing to the lobby of the opposite gate leakage is called enrichment, must be altered.

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多年前,摩尔曾挤过人群与时任德克萨斯州州长的布什有过对话,后者认出了他并来个了下马威,“能不能安分些?There's a shot from a few years back of Moore elbowing his way to talk to then-Texas Governor Bush, who recognizes him and says, "Behave yourself, will ya?

可是文科居然也给我来一个这样的下马威,的确伤到我的心,很痛很痛,很难受,不过不哭,眼泪不能这么乱流。But the arts also gave me a surprise, so Xiama Wei, really hurt my heart, pain pain, it is difficult subject, but the cry, tears stream can not be such a mess.

倭寇埋伏在戚继光行军途中,意欲半路伏击,给戚家军一个下马威,却不料遭遇了奉命奔赴平海卫的欧阳深的僧兵队伍。The enemy ambush in qi jiguang march, intended to ambush, halfway to QiGuJun a duel, only encountered were ordered to flat triton ouyang deep monk soldiers team.

歼-20试飞是为了在胡锦涛访美前给盖茨与奥巴马一个下马威,还是在向中国文职官员领导层发出谁是真正掌权者的信号?Was the J-20 flight intended to embarrass Mr Gates and Mr Obama before Mr Hu's visit, or was it a signal to China's civilian leadership about who is really in charge?

拿下智立管理大学的白龙,威风八面的来到江上隐居的住处,想借机在江上面前夸耀之外也带有下马威的企图。The university of management had wisdom made the came down eight, he led the recluse dwelling on the river on the river, want to looking outside also boast a front attempt to run.

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为了能够给对手来个下马威,除了外观之外新车还将在内饰的设计与配置上进行大刀阔斧的改进。In order to be able to come to an opponent Xia Mawei, in addition to the new car will be in addition to the appearance of the interior design and configuration on a radical improvement.

看着他不在开口,上官清明也松了口气,这男人想在气势上来个下马威,她可不吃这一套。Looking at him is not in the openings, the last officer is also pure to disconnect intonation clearly, this man wants to come up to dismount Wei in the vehemence, she doesn't eat this set of.

名不见经传的克鲁日来自罗马尼亚,这也是他们首次参加欧冠赛事,不过他们一上来就给了意大利人一个下马威,客场2比1击败意甲劲旅罗马。From the little-known Cluj Romania, which is the first time they have to participate in Champions League matches, but one of them gave the Italians a Xiama Wei, Away 2 to 1 victory over Italy's Rome.