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方法手术治疗34例臀肌筋膜挛缩症患者。Methods 34 patients were treated with operation.

目的分析臀肌挛缩症二次手术产生的原因。To analyze the reasons for the secondary operation.

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当肌肉无法得到放松时会产生挛缩。Contractures occur when the muscles aren't able to relax.

结果臀肌挛缩症与肌肉注射关系十分密切。Results This is a disorder of contracture of gluteal muscles.

晚期并发症包括腋部的皮肤挛缩。The late complications includes skin contractures in the axilla.

结果导致瘢痕性挛缩,吻合口狭窄。The results leaded to scar contracture and anastomotic stenosis.

方法总结和分析经手术治疗的掌腱膜挛缩症50例78只手。Methods 78 hands of 50 cases of Dupuytren's contracture were studied.

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深筋膜切开术是预防缺血性肌挛缩的重要辅助措施。Fasciotomy is necessary and useful to prevent the ischemic contracture.

脸痉挛由于眼睑肌肉偶然挛缩而引起的痉挛性眨眼。Spasmodic winking caused by the involuntary contraction of an eyelid muscle.

结论矫形器治疗能明显改善挛缩兔膝关节功能。Conclusion Function of knee joint contracture was improved using knee orthosis.

目的探讨掌腱膜挛缩症的病变特点和治疗方法。Objective To explore the pathogenesis and treatment of Dupuytren s contracture.

目的总结弧形小切口治疗臀肌挛缩症的治疗体会。ObjectiveTo sum up the experiences of arc incision treating gluteus contracture.

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双侧臀肌挛缩症手术最佳年龄是多大?Bilateral is operation of gluteus contracture disease optimal is the age how old?

目的探讨一种更适合于治疗臀肌挛缩症的手术方式。Objective To explore a better surgical mode to tr eat gluteal muscle contracture.

挛缩带拉伸时的强度和刚度均明显高于正常臀中肌。The strength and the rigidity of the contracture band are much higher than normal.

本文报告了64例儿童臀肌挛缩症手术治疗的几点体会。The effeets of surgical treatment of gluteal fibrosis in 64 children were reported.

上图所示患者由于面部神经病变导致面瘫,手部肌肉挛缩。The patient shownhas both a facial nerve palsy and contractures of the hand from leprosy.

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目的探讨臀肌挛缩症的手术方法。Objective To investigate the surgical method for treatment of gluteal muscular contracture.

目的提供理想的腋窝瘢痕挛缩修复材料和方法。Objective To provide an ideal auto-materials for repair of axillary burn scar contractures.

此皮瓣比一般补皮更可减低日后挛缩发生率。Also this flap decreases the contracture rate of the axilla as compared with a STSG procedure.