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民主选举,有利于督促干部保持清正廉洁。Democratic election urges officials to keep honest.

他被视为清正廉洁的典范。He is seen as the mirror of honesty and uprightness.

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在中国的历史上,有许多清正廉洁的人。In China's history, there are many honest and upright people.

文言文的白话文意思是如果天下的官员都是清正廉洁的,那百姓就能过上富足的生活。Only if all the officials were free from corruption, our people can live a wealthy life.

国际足协清正廉洁、秉公执法。你们都是诚实正直、勤奋努力的人。FIFA is a clean institution. FIFA works honestly. You are all honest, hardworking people.

“清正廉洁是中国红十字会工作的准则,”华建敏说。"Incorruptibility and cleanness are the lifelines of the Red Cross' work in China," Hua said.

文言文的白话文意思是如果天下的官员都是清正廉洁的,那百姓就能过上富足的生活。If all the officials were free from corruption, we common people would be able to live a wealthy life.

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清正廉洁的政府是我们国家稳定、健康发展的基础。A clean government is the basic foundation for the steady and healthy growth for our country's development.

政府保持清正廉洁是构建和谐社会的重要因素。This paper elaborates on the American experience of building administrative ethics and its enlightenment to China.

杨振声清正廉洁、平等待人、长于肆应的人格魅力,折射出大学校长的伟岸风范。Yang Zhensheng's incorruptibility , equality and his capability reflected his character as a great scholar and university president.

无论是饱受债务危机折磨的欧洲,还是政权更迭的份阿拉伯世界,领导人们必须谨记,政府必须朝着清正廉洁的方向发展。Whether in a Europe hit by debt crisis or an Arab world starting a new political era, leaders must head the demands for better government.

司法官应该德才兼备,清正廉洁,勤于职责,这是合格的法官所应具备的基本素质。The judge should have both ability and moral integrity, honest and upright, hard in duty, which were the basic qualities a judge should have.

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巨额财产来源不明罪的客体为国家机关的威信及国家工作人员清正廉洁的形象。The object of the huge property with unidentified and guilty source is prestige of the government office and national staff members honest and upright image.

是啊,清正廉洁如一块珍宝,不管历史如何变迁,不管社会如何进步,清正廉洁永远是时代的旗帜,永远是纯朴的美德。Yes ah, be ethical, such as a treasure, no matter how history changes, no matter how society advances, honesty is always the flag of the times is always simple virtue.

第九条监察人员必须遵纪守法,忠于职守,秉公执法,清正廉洁,保守秘密。Article 9 A supervisor shall abide by laws and observe rules of discipline, be faithful to their duties, enforce laws impartially, remain honest and upright and keep secrets.

清正廉洁不仅是党的先进性建设的历史明镜,同时是党的先进性建设的时代旗帜,有利于党的执政使命的完成。Clean and honest is not only the historic mirror, but also the epochal flag of the party's advanced construction, which is advantageous to complete the mission in governance.