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我碰巧在那里。I chanced to be there.

小左只是碰巧持有这灵魂。Lefty happens to have it.

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我昨天碰巧撞见了他。I ran aross him yesterday.

我碰巧了解他的情况。I happened to know about him.

那男人碰巧是位医生。The man chanced to be a doctor.

碰巧,泓泓也是农历今天生日。The next day will be my birthday.

我碰巧有一个忠实的好搭档。I happen to have an honest partner.

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他碰巧在一个宴会上遇到了一名女子。He met a woman by chance at a party.

我碰巧听到了他所说的话。I happened to overhear what he said.

碰巧我读了很多关苏格兰的书。I happen to read a lot about Scotland.

他到的时候,我碰巧在那儿。I happened to be there when he arrived.

那时我的几个朋友碰巧来了。My friends happened along at that time.

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表示“现在碰巧情绪不好”,和上句的语气不太一样。He has a bad temper. He's in a bad mood.

昨天我碰巧在街上遇见了她。I happed on her in the street yesterday.

在那里碰巧我有认识人。There chanced to be someone there I knew.

一个活动医疗队碰巧经过。A mobile medical team happened to pass by.

汤母碰巧是我高中时的同学。Tom happens to be my highschool classmate.

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人碰巧念到同样的事。I chanced to be thinking of the same thing.

你想“当夜”也是碰巧的么?Do you think the time of it was an accident?

我碰巧在街上看到你的弟弟。I chanced to see your brother in the street.