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我愿意为你折寿。I am willing to Zheshou for you.

呆在污染严重的地方有什么补偿,人们的生命都因此折寿了。What compensation for staying in POLLUTIONS. Peoples life get screws because of it.

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就如何折寿,使生活变糟,变坏,你还有其他的坏点子吗?What ill health tips do you have for ensuring a short, miserable, uncomfortable life?

已经发现饮食过度会折寿,如果他们应该活到七十岁,结果活到一半就死掉。If they were going to live for seventy years, they will die when they are only thirty-five.

嘲笑自己的错误可以长寿。嘲笑别人的错误则会折寿。Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it.

然而,有不止一项研究表明使用过量DMAE可能会使人折寿。However at least one study has suggested that too much of DMAE can have a life shortening effect.

传说中译员工作久了的确会折寿,可是我才学两天怎么就成这个样子了?Someone told me the job of intermediate can really shorten ones life-span. But why am I feeling so bad just in two days' time?

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她还表示研究也没有证明消极的情绪或不信任会对身体造成不好的影响或折寿。She also says the study does notproofprove thatactivenegative emotions or distrust lead to bad healtheffecteffects and shorter life.

哈佛大学和华盛顿大学的研究人员想要得知,这些生活方式会使人折寿多少年?Researchers at Harvard University and the University of Washington wanted to find out how many years are lost with these lifestyle choices.

根据这一结果折算,每吸一支烟,平均折寿11分钟——根据最近的研究,这相当于看电视30分钟。That works out to an average 11 minutes of life lost for every cigarette smoked — the equivalent to 30 minutes of TV time, according to the current study.

一支香烟折寿11分钟,吸烟容易引起肺癌、溃疡等等疾病,香烟的毒害众人皆知。One cigarette costs 11 minutes of your life, and smoking will cause many diseases such as lung cancer and ulcer. These harms caused by smoking cigarettes are known to all.

Veerman指出,折寿的原因不仅仅在于久坐,亦在于电视里垃圾食品的广告促使了人们不健康的饮食。Veerman acknowledges that it may not just be the sedentary nature of watching TV that lowers life expectancy but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can promote.

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她说,这项研究并没有证明,消极情绪或者不信任感能导致不良的健康影响甚至折寿。She also says the studydosedoes not prove that negative emotions or distrust lead to bad health effects and shorter life. Yet, theredosedoes appear to be a link thatcausecalls for more research.