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我弃权不投票。I _ from voting.

请投票支持我们!Please vote for us!

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投票结果为63票赞成对37票反对。The vote was 63-37.

参议院的投票结果为51票对46票。The vote was 51 to 46.

多少人投票给多不饱和的and how many for poly?

当然。我都会投票的。Of course. I always vote.

该项议案通过投票遭到否决。The measure was outvoted.

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但是子孙后代们现在无法投票。But posterity has no vote.

参议院的投票结果是65比31。The Senate vote was 65-31.

你们所要做的就是去投票。All you have to do is vote.

我的投票系统安全吗?Is my voting system secure?

还有别忘了去投票。Rember don't forget to vote.

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好了,我们来投票吧。All right, let's take a vote.

参加投票选举舞会之王和王后么?。Vote for prom king and queen?

毕竟,投票是不记名的。After all, the vote is secret.

他们投票赞成新计划。They balloted for the new plan.

这次投票以277票对148票获得通过。The vote on the bill was 277-148.

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那么就会举行公民投票。Then there would be a plebiscite.

电子投票能扭转局面吗?。Will E-voting Turn Things Around?

如果我们想提高投票人的数量,If we want a higher voter turnout,