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这一类药物也属于催眠药。This class of drugs also falls under hypnotics.

水合氯醛为一种作用迅速的催眠药。Chloral hydrate is a rapidly effective hypnotic.

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“听着,亲爱的,”阿拉丁说,“我要给你一些催眠药粉。Listen, my love, ' said Aladdin. ' I'm going to give you some sleeping-powder.

魏连殳是在“五四”新文化运动的春之来临和启蒙主义之催眠药中觉醒的知识分子。Wei Liansu was such an intelligent awaked by the May 4th cultural movement and the enlightenment.

本论文研究的结果,为今后寻找更加理想的镇静催眠药提供了帮助。The results of this research papers can help us to find a better hypnotic-sedative drug in future.

但催眠药粉的效果非常好,五秒钟之后阿巴那扎尔就闭上眼睛睡熟了。But it was a good sleeping-powder, and after five seconds Abanazar's eyes closed and he was asleep.

加强中枢抑制药的作用,能增强催眠药、麻醉药和镇痛药的作用。To strengthen the role of central inhibitor, can enhance the hypnotics , anesthetics and analgesics role.

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一种安定药或催眠药,尤指巴比妥盐酸,药片状或胶囊状,用于缓解失眠症。A sedative or hypnotic drug, especially a barbiturate, in the form of a pill or capsule used to relieve insomnia.

失眠是临床上最常见的症状,发病率高,镇静催眠药是主要的治疗手段。Insomnia, with high incidence, is one of the common clinical symptoms to which sedative-hypnotic is a main treatment.

好而睡是一种强力速效催眠药,它从服药后的第一个夜晚开始产生催眠作用。Halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.

方法以自编镇静催眠药使用状况调查表、SAS、SDS、应对方式调查表调查了784名医科大学生。Method 784 medical college students were tested by sedative and hypnotic use questionnaire, SAS, SDS, coping style questionnaire.

目的对北五味子水提取物镇静、催眠药理作用进行初探。Objective To make a preliminary study on the sedative and hypnotic effects of the water extract of Fructus schisandrae Chinensis.

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为研究镇静催眠药依赖性失眠患者的临床特征,通过对670例服用镇静催眠药的失眠症患者的调查。To study the clinical characteristics of patients with insomnia dependent on sedatives and hypnotics, 670 subjects were surveyed.

目的探讨服用中枢兴奋药咖啡因及短效类催眠药三唑仑对人体科里奥利加速度耐力的影响。Objective To investigate the effects of triazolam and caffeine on Coriolis acceleration tolerance. Methods Eight healthy young male volunteers served as subjects.

另一些病人又过分恐惧催眠药物,宁愿痛苦地辗转反侧,连一片药也不敢尝。Another some of patient beyond the mark and scared hypnotic medicaments, aux would rather painful ground tosses about, connect a medicine to also dare be not tasted.

最有名的安眠药是像安必恩,卢内思塔,或松那塔这类的非苯二氮类催眠药,作用在人脑中称为GABA受体的组织上。The most well-known sleeping pills are the non-benzodiazepine hypnotics like Ambien, Lunesta or Sonata. These drugs affect structures in the brain called GABA receptors.

但是,包括多数患阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的病人,怀孕或在哺乳的女性都不能服用催眠药。There are certain individuals, though, who should not take hypnotics, including most patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea and women who are pregnant or nursing.

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随着瑞芬太尼在ICU中新的使用指南的出现,之后12周采用以镇痛为基础的疗法,仅在需要时予以催眠药物。After the development of new guidelines for the use of remifentanil in the ICU, a second 12 week study period used an analgesia-based regimen, with hypnotics added only if needed.

结果表明本品能减轻吗啡依赖性小鼠的戒断反应。具有加强镇痛药和催眠药的作用,降低动物自发运动活性。The results showed that it could abate the abstinence reaction of morphin-dependent mouse. intensified the actions of analgesics and hypnotics, and lower the activity of spontaneous movement.