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太好了!感激涕零!So good, thank you!

我只有感激涕零。Here and now I alone shed tears.

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“谢谢你,”孩子感激涕零地对这位陌生人说道。"Thank you, " the grateful child told the stranger.

卡罗靠在椅背上,感激涕零,满面红光。Carlo leaned back, his face flushed with gratification.

我知道他们的名字他们就会感激涕零了?You think they're gonna give a crap if I know their names?

只要等几天,当课程从下个星期开始时,你就会对此安排感激涕零。Just you wait, when classes start next week, you'll be grateful.

我们总期盼其他的国家会对我们的捐赠和贷款感激涕零。We have expected gratitude from foreign countries for our gifts and loans.

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我的心啊,常常是甜汁与泪水交替,感激涕零。My heart, is always sweet juice and tears alternately, shed tears of gratitude.

我对师傅的大恩大德感激涕零!The magic is really incredible! Thank you, Master, from the bottom of my heart.

我和雷恩能让你的作品得以见天日你该感激涕零才是。And you should be thankful that me and Ryan can lift your music out of its obscurity.

在这样一个极具争议的子承父业中,他的儿子贾迈勒,毫无疑问会对这份遗产感激涕零。That is a legacy his son Gamal , a controversial heir-apparent, would no doubt appreciate.

当领导者偶尔略施小惠,他们便感激涕零。When leaders treat the member well occasionally, they accept any and all crumbs gratefully.

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张怡梅成功策反侯七,许诺日后让他做狼牙岭大当家的,侯七感激涕零。Zhang Yimei success against hou seven, promised to make him spike ridge boss in the future, hou seven grateful.

他没有乞求施舍。他对在这种撕心的难堪场合下别人给予的救助,当然是感激涕零。He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a heart-breaking, and embarrassing situation.

八年前的此时,人们对于效率奇高和商业化的布什政府的上台是多么感激涕零。This time eight years ago people were gushing about how efficient and businesslike the incoming Bush administration was.

还没等我开口,父亲就把2000元卖粮款交到了我手里,我感激涕零,讷讷不能言。And so I do not speak, his money selling food to pay 2000 yuan into my hands, I shed tears of gratitude, slow cannot say.

但是康纳的一个水兵朋友将他的纪念品都归还给了它们的主人,主人感激涕零。But one of his fellow Marines brought his souvenirs with him, and returned them to their owner's grateful and tearful family.

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父亲同意了!那一刻,我为父亲无奈的妥协和“支持”而感激涕零,默默发誓,一定不让父母失望!The father agreed! At that moment, I was helpless compromise and" support" and shed tears of gratitude, I swear, don't let your parents down!

虽然这会给她带来意想不到的变故,不过,此刻的她无法拒绝沈氏的好意,只能表现出感激涕零的样子来。Although this will bring her abrupt calamity, although, at the moment she can not refuse Chen Shi's good intentions, can express to thankful Ti zero outwards.

因为很明显,穆里尼奥为了自己球队的利益喜欢被关注,享受自己的夸夸其谈及对那些感激涕零、正愁无话可写的记者带来的影响。For it was apparent that Mourinho relished the attention for its own sake, taking joy in his eloquence and the effect it had on grateful, quote-starved reporters.