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人也一样叫苦呢。And people also.

叫苦的倒是那些狗呢。It's the dogs who complain.

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尽早剔除那些抱怨叫苦者。Weed out the uncommitted whiners and complainers early.

然而,一旦它被变成现实,华尔街就得叫苦了。Nonetheless, if it moves toward reality, Wall Street will howl.

财政大臣为我们日益减少的美元储备而叫苦。The chancellor of the Exchequer groaned about our dwindling dollar resources.

薇芸召集班底重新想对策,班底叫苦,称薇芸作老姑婆。Eu team non-success call again want to countermeasures, has cast, said eu non-success the spinster.

芥菜型,又叫苦油菜、辣油菜,是我国特有类型。Leaf mustard leaf mustard, cole of complain of suffering, hot cole, it is our country peculiar type.

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莫家众人吃早饭时,莫平说已视葵花为三水将来妻子,葵花心中叫苦。Don't eat breakfast, home all MoPing said have perceived sunflower for sanshui future wife, sunflower heart to complain.

面对大刘百折不挠的追求,周青青忍不住向钟缇叫苦不堪,钟缇也开始觉得大刘挺适合周青青。Face big liu unswerving pursuit, Zhou Qingqing unbearable to clock has been, clock twips also began to feel big Liu Ting Zhou Qingqing.

巴纳斯山在这种时刻,这种地方,出来打猎,那是极可怕的。伽弗洛什觉得他那野孩子的好心肠在为那老人叫苦。Montparnasse on the hunt at such an hour, in such a place, betokened something threatening. Gavroche felt his gamin's heart moved with compassion for the old man.

他那个样子,历历如在眼前,他一直手里拿着一只哈瓦那大雪茄,另一只手里拿着那杯酒,大叫苦命,倒了霉来主持一家好莱坞片厂。I can see him now, a big Havana cigar in one hand, highball in the other, crying out against the fates that had sentenced him to the cruel job of running a Hollywood studio.