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格兰特辞去军职,竞选总统。Grant resigned from the army to run for president.

另许多席位留给了“退役的”军职人员。Many others will be filled by "retired" army officers.

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另有许多席位留给了“退役的”军职人员。Many others will be filled by “retired” army officers.

禁止军职人员外出是很有意义的第一步。But as a first step, banning people from going out is meaningful.

东晋国家设置的都督诸州军事与将军职有密切的关系。Commander-in-chief that Eastern Jin set up has intimate relations with generals.

在长期海外任军职后回国的路上,我喜欢上了一位年轻人。A young man I had crush on returned home from a long overseas tour of duty in the Army.

这项工资“冻结”提议涵盖美国所有的联邦政府雇员,但不包括军职人员。The freeze will apply to all civilian government employees but will exclude military personnel.

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任军职不稳定的因素之一是你永远不知道什么时候会突然被派往它处。One of the uncertainties of military duty is that you never know when you might suddenly get posted away.

1987年,他驾驶吉普车在德国高速公路发生车祸,骨盘几乎完全粉碎,军职生涯也从此终结。But a jeep accident on the German Autobahn in 1987 almost pulverized his pelvis, ending his military career.

他的兄弟约翰在俄亥俄州作议员,在约翰的帮助下,他无奈离开南方在联邦军队谋了一个军职。Aided by his brother John, a member of Congress from Ohio, he reluctantly left the South for a Union commission.

克里斯多佛森辞去直升机驾驶员的军职之后,于1965年来到那什维尔。Kristofferson had come to Nashville in 1965 after resigning his commission in the Army, where he flew helicopters.

大多数军职专业除对体力有严格要求之外,还有野战行动的艰苦性。Aside from the heavy physical demands of most military jobs, there was also the strenuous nature of field operations.

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联合部队司令部的某些职能及其军职和文职人员将调往其它地方,包括华盛顿城外的五角大楼。Some of its functions, and military and civilian personnel, will be put elsewhere, including at the Pentagon outside of Washington.

法印战争退出后,辞去军职的华盛顿回到弗农山庄的家中不久,即于1759年1月6日,与玛莎结婚。After washington resigned from the french and indian war and returned home to mount vernon he married martha dandridge custis on january61759.

谷歌声称,数百邮箱账户遭中国黑客入侵,账户涉及美国政府高级官员、军职人员和记者。Hackers in China have compromised personal e-mail accounts of hundreds of top US officials, military personnel and journalists, Google has said.

刑法关于军人违反职责罪的规定,是调整军职人员履行职责法律关系的重要规范。The provisions for the crimes of soldiers violating military duties are of vital importance, adapt the order in which solders carry their duties.

在暴力不断升级的情况下,解除军官军职只不过是时髦的空话,游击队不会因此而放下武器。In the context of escalating violence, decommissioning is no more than a fashionable buzz word, and will not lead to the guerrillas laying down their arms.

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这项工资“冻结”提议涵盖美国所有的联邦政府雇员,也包括国防部的文职雇员,但不包括军职人员。The wage "freeze" proposal covering all U. S. federal government employees, including Department of Defense civilian employees, but does not include military personnel.

缅甸军政府第三首领杜雅瑞曼上将,退出军职后准备大选后担任重要职务,政府方面消息人士称。The Burmese junta's third-in-command, General Shwe Mann, has retired from his post in preparation for taking the top position after elections this year, government sources say.

唐代后期宦官掌握军权主要是通过宦官担任军职、专典禁军和宦官监军制度而实现的。In late Tang Dynasty, the eunuch's monoply of military power was realized by the systems of the eunuch taking military positions, governing the imperial army and supervising the army.