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主要用于治疗内痔、外痔、混合痔、息肉等疾病。It can treat all kinds of piles and polyps.

什么是血栓性外痔嵌顿?What is thrombus sex external piles is embedded?

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一般而言,外痔引起的不适可在一周左右解除。But external hemorrhoids usually resolve in a week or so.

外痔形成于皮肤底层,可局部麻醉切除。External hemorrhoids, under the skin, are cut out under local anesthesia.

外痔有时会脱出或突现于肛管口外。Sometimes external hemorrhoids prolapse, or anal penetration is now outside.

血栓性外痔不手术只吃药会好吗?Thrombus sex external piles not it is good that the operation takes medicine only?

结果发现血栓性外痔有显著的疗效。The result demonstrated the type of thromboses external hemorrhoids had a significant effect.

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外痔虽有不出血一说,但不代表不会不出血。Although no one said bleeding external hemorrhoids, but it does not mean that would not bleed.

结论激光切除外痔效果良好,痛苦少,并发症少。Conclusion Laser surgery is effective, safe and reliable for patients with external hemorrhoids.

本文报道用内痔结扎、外痔二氧化碳激光切除治疗混合痔42例,全部治愈。Ligation of internal hemorrhoids and CO_2 Lasar resection of external hemorrhoids, were applied for 42 cases of mixed hemorrhoids, and all cases were cured.

内痔因为没有什么神经,所以可不经麻醉用几种方式切除。外痔形成于皮肤底层,可局部麻醉切除。Internal hemorrhoids, with little nerve supply, can be destroyed in several ways without anesthesia. External hemorrhoids, under the skin, are cut out under local anesthesia.

在急诊部,这是通常的处理程序,但是常常人们会把形成血栓的内痔误诊为外治,用这种外痔处理方法,会给病人造成很多流血和疼痛。In emergency departments, this is a common procedure and often a thrombosed internal hemorrhoid is mistaken for this and incised with a lot of later pain and bleeding for the patient.