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还会有更多的华彩乐章将在你面前展开。There'll be more.

令华彩的白天让贤。Which Heaven to gaudy⑩ day denies.

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华彩西安,信心中国。China LotSynergy Xian, confidence in China.

建议准备一首华彩乐段。The preparation of one cadenza is expected.

青年累代承未来,城市连年添华彩。Young heirs to future-hold, city grows more radiant.

华彩,将与您共同发展,共创佳绩!We will accompany you to development and create succeed!

这就是查克·曼卓林,和他的萨克斯手一起演出的一段华彩乐章So here's Chuck Mangione with his saxophonist and a saxophone cadenza.

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编辑与作者的互动是这门艺术的华彩乐章。The interaction between the editor and the writer is the gorgeous movement.

广告文案的本质是促使受众行动而非炫耀文案的华彩丽服。The nature of the letter is the action of target audience but flowery diction.

太阳有朴素的光衣遮盖,云朵也有华彩来装饰。The sun has his simple robe of light. The clouds are decked with gorgeousness.

幸福的家庭生活,成为瑞贝卡美丽人生中最华彩的乐章。Their happy home life is testament to their love and this is what she cherishes most.

在绘画方面,处处体现出盛世华彩的时代风貌。In the drawing aspect, everywhere manifests the prosperous times colorful latest trend.

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我的衷衣和孔雀颈毛一样地华彩,我的披纱和嫩草一样地碧青。My bodice is the colour of the peacock's throat, and my mantle is green as young grass.

当我听到那些唱乐曲终了的华彩句的歌手,模仿着鸟的啭鸣时,我就禁不住要笑。I could hardly keep from laughing when some of the cadenzas imitated the warbling of birds.

奥林匹克仪式是奥运会庄严、恢宏而最具魅力的华彩乐章。Olympic Ceremonies are the most grand, magnificent and attractive part of the Olympic Games.

圆号撕声力竭地咆哮,企图以自己的声音传达华彩乐段的动机。The horns howl into the fray, trying in their own turn to convey one of the cadenza's motives.

为了明天的幸福生活,为了明天的华彩乐章,让我们奋斗起来吧!For the happy life of tomorrow, for tomorrow the rich colors of movement, making up our struggle!

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我想这大概也是戴锦华文化研究最值得注意、最华彩的片段之一。I think this is probably a cultural studies Dai Jinhua most noteworthy, CLS is one of the fragments.

人类的潜力、人性的华彩无彰显之机,这无异于浪费。There is such a waste of human potential, of things worth while in people which never find expression.

我最喜欢的演唱会不需要华彩绚丽的布景,而是爆满的房屋、昏暗的舞台,和一个把台上搅得天翻地覆的家伙。My favorite concert wasn't flashy at all. It was a packed house, a dark stage and one guy tearing it up.