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新任总统深得民气。The new president achieved great popularity.

我要读鼓励民气的故事来鼓舞我赓续前行。I will read inspiring stories to encourage me to go on.

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那边总是阳灼烁媚,氛围也很清新,令民气情舒畅。There is always sunny, and the air is fresh, it's feeling good.

她的话语垂手可得地征服了民气,她恰是我们要凝听的声音。She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart.

阿拉伯民气中充满著冤仇、愤怒、绝看跟悲哀。Hatred, anger, despair and agony will be flourishing in the heart of Arabs.

当代物流是天下上最富挑衅性和最激动民气的事项。Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.

更有甚者,消费者觉得看电视剧时插播广告特让民气烦。What is more, consumers feel annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV play.

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是的,民气的向背干系到一个团队的运行和生长。Yes, the people support or oppose the relationship to a team's operation and development.

你还记得那部影戏中主人公向他临终的老婆诀另外谁人令民气碎的镜头吗?Do you remember the heart-rending scene in the film where the hero says his final farewells to his dying wife?

别的,新颖的氛围奋发民气,在骄阳炎炎下,这无疑是一份可贵的清心剂。The air, besides, was fresh and stirring, and this, under the sheer sunbeams, was a wonderful refreshment to our senses.

比年低碳经济成为人们生存中日益存眷的热门,低碳生存的见解也已经深入民气。Low-carbon economy in recent years become increasingly focus of attention in people's lives, also has the hearts of the low-carbon life.

您变了,人也变了,来没有去的温顺,泪水如泉涌,最死习的变失最令民气痛。You have changed, I also changed, cannot go back tears as the gentleness, the most familiar here, what bothers me most heartache. Become.

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他们鼓吹力的哲学和英雄崇拜来振奋衰颓的民气,企望在新的战国时代通过一场自救的民族战争来达成民族复兴。They strive to Strong Power philosophy to stimulate people's weak spirit and hope to revive the nation through a national self-saving war in the new Era of Warring States.

就批评家的批评指归来说,他又遵循“文化―文艺―教化”的宏阔思路,希冀文学批评能够起到教化人心、振奋民气的作用。Secondly, in terms of his literary criticism, he followed a path from culture to art, and to education, hoping literary criticism could play a role of educating and inspiring the mass.

报答,便是对抚育、培育、教诲、指引、协助、支持以致救护本人的民气存感谢,并经过本人十倍、百倍的支付,用实践举动予以报酬。Return is the feeding, training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulance themselves. Grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times the pay, and repay them with practical action.