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敏捷也适用于远程团队。Agile works in remote teams.

远程工作是一个新…Teleworking is a new concept.

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远程监护-或更好的随访?Telemonitoring—or better follow-up?

远程地震体波的比较。Comparison of teleseismic body waves.

离开车子并且测试远程操作效果。Exit the vehicle and test the remotes.

如何远程管理基本节点?How do you manage base nodes remotely?

远程医疗正在改善保健服务。Telemedicine is improving health care.

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你的车能远程无钥匙进入吗?Does your car have remote keyless entry?

远程医疗是电子健康的另一种说法。Telemedicine is another term for eHealth.

远程导弹轰炸机图-22-M-0Distant missile carrier and bomber Tu-22-M-0

总湜将远程对象放在类库里。Always put remote objects in class libraries.

远程显示器,通用护目镜。BUG, Easi-Scan remote display, wrist monitor.

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通用护目镜,远程显示器,腕部显示器。BUG, Easi-Scan remote display, wrist monitor.

亡灵巫师可以召唤远程骷髅了。Necromancers can raise ranged Skeletal Mages.

的表情在远程触发轮。The emotes are triggered over the emote wheel.

远程查询返回相当少的行。The remote queries return relatively few rows.

汽车范围及不断下跌,手动远程面试。AUTO RANGE and up-down, manual range selectors.

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从一个远程代码存储库中签出源代码。Check out source from a remote code repository.

在远程站点回拨时检测到了占线信号。Busy signal detected at remote site on callback.

显示远程连接的当前波特率。Show the current speed of the remote connection.