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“你何时才能结束这工作?”他没精打采地问道。"When will you finish the job?" he asked dully.

有几个学生没精打采地倚在墙上。Several students wereslouching against the wall.

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没精打采的,就象学生们没睡好午眠那样!NO! Jist like the students didn't have a good noon break.

不要没精打采的,把手从裤兜里掏出来,把头抬高。No slouching, hands out of pockets, and head held up high.

她没精打采地走来走去,沮丧地低声哼着。She walked about listlessly, humming to herself in dejection.

漫长炎热的夏季使我身体不佳,没精打采。The long, hot summer had left me out of health, out of spirits.

如果你没精打采,交叉双腿,看上去很虚弱,那么结果就对你不利。If you slouch, cross your legs, or look weak, it works against you.

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他仰着下巴颏儿,没精打采,慢慢地把我们打量了一番。He raised his chin and looked slowly over us, in a listless dull way.

孩子,出去玩玩吧。别总是没精打采地在屋里打转。Go out and have some fun, child. Don't mope about in the house all day.

树缝里也漏出一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。Through the branches are also a couple of lamps, as listless as sleepy eyes.

没精打采不仅使你看起来缺乏吸引力,而且影响你的健康。Slouching not only makes you look less attractive, it can also affect your health.

“唉,还是睡吧,”鸣凤叹了一口气,没精打采地说,一面解棉袄的纽扣。I'd better go to sleep, she thought dully, opening the buttons of her padded jacket.

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维克多•克鲁姆没精打采地站起身,曲背鸭步走向奥利凡多先生。Viktor Krum got up and slouched, round-shouldered and duck-footed, toward Mr. Ollivander.

有些人推测是夏威夷造就了Obama带有的那种显眼的没精打采的酷劲。Some speculate that it's Hawaii that explains the languid cool that is so striking in Obama.

当你没精打采的坐在椅子上或是猛地坐在椅子上的时候,很难表达清晰和让人信服。It's hard to speak clearly and authentically when you're slouched over or slumped in a chair.

他没精打采地穿过百老汇大街走了,阿切尔站在那儿望着他的背影,品味着他最后的几句话。He slouched off across Broadway, and Archer stood looking after him and musing on his last words.

他们处于没精打采的状态,用一位医生的话来说,“犹如一座座死火山”。They existed in a state of profound apathy, "like extinct volcanoes, " in the words of one doctor.

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然而这很可能是又一次的计谋,把对球员和他们没精打采的表现的注意转移到他的身上。Then again it was probably a ruse to take the focus away from the players and their tame performance.

维拉注意到,客人们由于对无聊的谈话感到厌烦,流露出没精打采的神情。Vera observed her guests'expressions glazing over with boredom at the insipidity of the conversation.

当你老爹和奢侈的后妈拜访过你后,你会不会接连好几天觉得浑身乏力、没精打采呢?Do you feel drained and exhausted for days after your dad and high-maintenance stepmother come to visit?