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这种物质对晶状体非常有好处。These are very good for the eye lenses.

眼球晶状体能根据距离进行调节。The lens of the eye accommodate to distance.

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在眼球上作一个切口然后将晶状体摘除。Making an incision in the eye and removing the lens.

然后,医生在它上面钻一个洞,插入一个晶状体。The doctors then drilled a hole into it to insert a lens.

白内障就是眼睛的晶状体上有阴影或者浑浊。A cataract is a clouding or dulling of the lens in the eye.

有机玻璃晶状体很久以来已被丙烯酸的代替。Perspex lenses have long since been replaced by acrylic ones.

手术中无晶状体后囊膜破裂,术后无角膜水肿等并发症。Corneal edema, posterior rupture and so on happened in no eyes.

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晶状体脱位是指晶状体从正常部位脱离。Lens luxation is a displacement of the lens from its normal position.

研究对象原代培养的牛晶状体上皮细胞。Participants The cultured bovine lens epithelial cells and monolayers.

目的观察大剂量电离辐射对晶状体的影响。Objective To observetheeffect of high -dose irradiation on ocular lens.

折叠的人工晶体一旦进入眼内,就会完全展开,从而将空的晶状体囊全部填满。Once inside the eye, the folded IOL unfolds, filling the empty capsule.

在正常晶状体和再生晶状体中,同一晶体蛋白可具有多种形式的表达。2。The same crystalline can be found in more than one position in 2-DE maps.

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目的评估长期小剂量电离辐射对晶状体的影响。Objective To explore the effect of long low-dose radiation on ocular lens.

结论晶状体超声乳化术后当日可发生眼压升高。Conclusion Elevation of IOP can occur on the same day after uneventful phaco.

结论去整合素抑制体外培养的人眼晶状体上皮细胞的粘附及移行。Conclusion Disintegin can inhibit the adhesion and migration of LECs in vitro.

结果术后全部术眼视轴透明,人工晶状体在位。Results The visual axis were clear and IOLs in position in all operation eyes.

目的研究我国单纯性晶状体异位家系的致病基因,并确定基因突变。Objective To identify the mutation gene of a Chinese family with ectopia lentis.

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这种上皮细胞同晶状体纤维呈现许多相嵌连接。The cells of this epithelium exhibit many interdigitations with the lens fibers.

本文报道晶状体纤维细胞间间隙连接的形态结构。The morphology of the gap junctions in the fiber cell membranes was investigated.

结论新型弹性开放襻前房型人工晶状体植入是安全而有效的。Conclusion New flexible open loop AC IOL is safe and effective for IOL implantation.