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里脊面小半径。Filet surfaces with small radius.

一张生面皮包一个肉里脊,要全部裹好,封实。Wrap each piece of pork fillet in pastry to enclose.

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痢疾是种什么病?里脊呢?Dysenteric kind of what disease be? Where is tenderloin?

如果你愿意,可以用片状的猪肉里脊代替牛肉。If you prefer, use strips of pork tenderloin instead of beef.

这饭做得这么好,我得向你表示祝贺,煎里脊小牛排好吃极了。I must congratulate you on a wonderful meal. The filet mignon was scrumptious.

配搭肉酱意大利面条或辣味里脊猪肉。This wine is best paired with Pasta Bolognese or spicy pork tenderloin with wilted arugula.

“我要一客烤猪里脊加苹果酱和马铃薯泥,”头一个人说。"I'll have a roast pork tenderloin with apple sauce and mashed potatoes, " the first man said.

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在烤盘上喷油,将生面团肉里脊放到烤盘上。190度,风扇,烤30分钟,或者直到猪肉烤熟。Place on a baking tray and spray with oil. Bake at 190c for 30 minutes or until pork is cooked.

因为里脊没有骨头或多余的脂肪,所以会普通部位的肉贵一点。Because they contain no bones or excess fat, filets are more expensive than ordinary cuts of meat.

了解如何从专业的厨师辣餐饮服务商在此免费烹饪影片去骨里脊牛排。Learn how to cook spicy boneless tenderloin steaks from a professional caterer in this free cooking video.

至于主菜,我觉得可能是盖尔牛排、配威士忌蘑菇酱汁的里脊牛排或羔羊肉。As for the main course, I think there might be Gaelic steak with mushroom sauce whiskey steak or lamb loin.

了解如何烧焦了塞在美国这个自由的经典配方视频剪辑猪肉里脊与专家烹饪技巧。Learn how to sear the stuffed pork loin with expert cooking tips in this free classic American recipe video clip.

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“过去,我总是非常高兴地给他买大块里脊牛排烤着吃,或者给他买他最喜欢的小吃,”丹·特纳写道。"I was always excited to buy him a big rib-eye steak to grill or to get his favorite snack for him, " Dan Turner wrote.

主餐是一小快里脊牛排、覆盖着融化奶酪的花椰菜和新烤的面包卷。The main dish will be a small tender loin steak with a side of boiled broccoli covered with melted cheese, and fresh rolls.

从爆炒牛肉西兰花到糖醋里脊,任何一道中国菜都是对阴阳这一理念的坚持。A basic adherence to this philosophy can be found in any Chinese dish, from stir-fried beef with broccoli to sweet and sour pork.

了解如何炒的蔬菜塞在美国这个自由的经典影片猪肉食谱烹饪技巧与专家里脊。Learn how to sauté the vegetables for stuffed pork loin with expert cooking tips in this free classic American recipe video clip.

了解如何准备蔬菜塞在美国这个自由的经典影片猪肉食谱烹饪技巧与专家里脊。Learn how to prepare the vegetables for stuffed pork loin with expert cooking tips in this free classic American recipe video clip.

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采用香草叶、香草花和各种幼芽,加上不带脂肪的猪肉里脊而做出的肉花饭。This is another type of Gotbob for meat lovers, presenting unoiled pork sirloin along with herb leaves, herb flowers, and various sprouts.

本实验对里脊发酵火腿发酵理化特性变化及储藏过程微生物的消长规律进行了研究。The variation of physicochemical characteristics and the growth and decline regularity of microbe of fermented loin ham were investigated in storage process.

糖醋里脊在广东菜里最著名,但在浙江菜、四川菜和山东菜中也占有一席之地。Sweet and Sour Pork is a Chinese dish that is particularly popular in Cantonese cuisine and can also be found in Zhejiang cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Shandong cuisine.