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我们担心,如果没有找到伴星,这篇论文就会成为我们的报应。We worry that if the companion is not found, this paper will be our nemesis.

如果一颗恒星有一颗伴星,那么当它横越天空运动时,它似乎是摇来摆去。If a star has a companion, it will seem to wobble as it moves across the sky.

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星体燃烧了核内的氦,吞并了行星或伴星吗?Did the star ignite helium at the core, swallow a planet, or swallow a companion star?

和最近的黑洞一样,这个最远的黑洞也在疯狂吞噬者一颗常见的伴星。Like the nearest black hole, the farthest is also feasting on a normal companion star.

这条尾巴最终将会并入一层绕著伴星打转的紧密厚实盘面中。This tail eventually settles into a dense, thick disk that swirls around the companion.

当伴星围绕着主星运转时,它交替地朝着地球或背离地球运转。As a companion star orbits its primary, it alternately approaches and recedes from the earth.

例如在运行的一个设定里,团队在我们的太阳系增加了一个远距双星系统的伴星。In one set of runs, for example, the team added a wide-binary companion to our own solar system.

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已知这个伴星被一个星尘带所环绕,这如这幅艺术想象图所示。The companion is known to be surrounded by adusty disk, as illustrated in this artist's concept.

已知这个伴星被一个星尘带所环绕,这如这幅艺术想象图所示。The companion is known to be surrounded by a dusty disk, as illustrated in this artist's concept.

这个新模型依然坚持的观点是那个被称为“B星”的伴星被星尘带所环绕。The new model also holds that the companion object is a so-called"B star" circled by a dusty disk.

这个新模型依然坚持的观点是那个被称为“B星”的伴星被星尘带所环绕。The new model also holds that the companion object is a so-called "B star" circled by a dusty disk.

斯皮策的红外线观测揭示了环绕这个伴星的星尘带的大小。Spitzer's infrared vision revealed the size of the dusty disk that swirls around the companion object.

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Özel的团队考察了银河系中的十六对双星系统,它们分别由一个黑洞和一颗恒星伴星组成。zel's team studied 16 binary systems in our galaxy known to contain a black hole and a stellar partner.

图中这颗伴星显然从创造黑洞的超新星爆发中幸存下来。The companion star had apparently survived the original supernova explosion that created the black hole.

这个模型是指气体从大型红巨星伴星流到白矮星的吸积盘上然后被吸进白矮星中。In this model, gas flows from the large red giant companion star into a disk and then onto the white dwarf.

不管此种说法多么难以成立,他们提议说,如果发现了该伴星,则将其命名为NEMESIS。However unjust this may be, they suggested that if and when this companion star is found, it be named NEMESIS.

在强大的引力作用下,蓝色伴星上的物质正在被拉入黑洞。Material from the large blue companion star is seen being pulled toward the black hole by its powerful gravity.

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现在克里克帕特里克是本次任务团队的一份子了,已经为再次搜寻太阳的伴星做好了准备。Now Kirkpatrick is part of the WISE science team, ready to search again for any signs of a companion to our Sun.

“我认为太阳隐藏了一颗异种伴星的想法并不疯狂”,克里克帕特里克如此说。“I think the possibility that the Sun could harbor a companion of another sort is not a crazy idea,” said Kirkpatrick.

那些双星系统中的白矮星可能有足够强大的引力,能从伴星上吸聚物质。Those in a binary star system may have a strong enough gravitational pull to gather in material from a neighboring star.