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你需要做的是踢皮球到三个绿色的气球。What you need to do is kick a ball into each of the three green balloons.

什么时候才能结束这种踢皮球游戏,肩负起你人生新篇章的责任呢?When does the blaming end and taking responsibility for your own life start?

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这个回答当然有道理,但是笔者感觉有点踢皮球,把责任推给了普通民众。The answer of course right, but I feel a bit Tipi Qiu, the blame to the general public.

几年之后,指责和相互踢皮球就成为了根深蒂固的习惯。After a few years, finger-pointing and throw-it-over-the-wall processes become ingrained habits.

但增速放慢,金融压力上升,完全有理由担心中国踢皮球的日子也是屈指可数的。But growth is slowing, financial stresses are rising, and there is good reason to fear that China's days of can-kicking are numbered as well.

拉科拉塔指出,多年以来,许多公司都对传统的咨询模式表示不满,因为咨询顾问们会先研究一个问题,然后就会“踢皮球”。Over the years, companies have become unhappy with the traditional consultant model, LaCorata says, because consultants study a problem, then "hand it off."

最后,尽管美国公众的愤怒情绪日益高涨,但比起中国和欧洲,美国最有可能不再踢皮球。Finally, despite the rising exasperation of the American public, the U.S. is significantly more likely than Europe or China to quit kicking the can down the road.

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参谋长联席会议主席和中情局主任坐在那儿,互相踢皮球扯皮,因为他们没有人想要去除掉本拉登。This is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the director of C.I.A. sitting there, both passing the football because neither one of them wanted to go kill bin Laden.

但是就像查理·布朗一样,我们之间从事电力生意的人都有过被迫踢皮球的经历,而且只要在最后一刻前将球踢走就好。But like Charlie Brown, those of us in the electric power business have been encouraged to kick the football before, only to have it snatched away at the last second.

舆论认为,在冲绳县地方仍然对“县内搬迁”的日美协议抱有强烈抵触的情况下,盖茨的这一番话就等于是在“踢皮球”。Public opinion, still places in Okinawa Prefecture, "the county relocation, " the Japan-US agreement in conflict have a strong case, Gates made it so would be tantamount to the "pass the buck.

她怎么努力也无济于事,被她的案子负责人、律师、单位负责人直到那位典狱长像“踢皮球”一样踢来踢去,各个都推卸责任,都说这事儿该由某某某负责。She would have hopelessly tried, being spun around by her case manager, counselor, unit manager all the way up to the warden, each one passing the buck, claiming it was so and so's responsibility.