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然而,在早上8点的时候,打桩机开始轰鸣了。However, at 8 a. m. , the pile driver started hammering.

想要进一步提升打桩机的效能吗?Do you want to further enhance the efficiency of the driver?

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睡吧,你这让人烦的流浪汉。打桩机慢慢地摇。So go to sleep, my weary hobo, Let the towns drift slowly by.

现在我正对的就是最大的建筑工地,我们可以看到很多起重机、打桩机和大卡车。In front of me now is just the most enormous building site. There are cranes, piledrivers, lorries.

用油省,是普通打桩机用油量的一半左右,一年即可为您省下一台打桩机钱。Oil province, is a common driver USES around half of a year to save the expense of a driver for you.

他的心思可能会转向股票市场,或他在上班途中对打桩机的操作感到新奇不已。His mind may turn to the stock market or he may become fascinated by the operation of a pile driver on his way to work.

这些国家更关注德国打桩机给阿尔叙努特的塔楼埋设地基的进度,以及石油的开采许可。They are more focused on the German pile-drivers laying the foundations of the towers of Alsunut—and on the oil concessions.

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打桩机这种机械设备,是用来把桩子打进土里,给大楼和其他建筑物打地基用的。A pile-driver is a mechanical device used to drive piles into soil to provide foundation support for buildings or other structures.

打桩机械所需要的激振力要根据场地土层、土质、含水量及桩的种类、构造而综合确定。Excitation force needed by pile driving machinery are comprehensive determined by site soil, soil condition, moisture content and type of pile, construction.

在无凝聚性土壤表面受夯实的受力情况可模拟成方形钢桩承受振动式打桩机的贯入模式。The compaction of a cohesionless soil with a vibratory compactor can be simulated with the penetration of a square steel pile driven with a vibratory pile hammer.

是一种新型的专门用于汛期抗洪抢险、汛前、汛后堤防加固维护,江河湖堤岸的打桩机械。Is a new kind of specialized for flood fighting and emergencyoperations, concerned, embankment reinforcement after maintenance, sin lakeriver embankment of piling machinery.

上海是全世界增长最快的大都市之一,人们似乎很容易在风炮、打桩机、推土机和建筑起重机隆隆的敲击声中迷失。In Shanghai, one of the fastest growing megacities in the world, it's easy to get lost in the relentless percussion of jackhammers and pile drivers, bulldozers and building cranes.

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在上海,这个世界上发展最快的超级大都市之一,很容易被淹没在气锤、打桩机、推土机和吊机的无情震动之中。In Shanghai, one of the fastest growing megacities in the world, it's easy to get lost in the relentless percussion of jack hammers and pile drivers, bulldozers and building cranes.

泰州市姜堰巨能起重机械有限公司是一家专业生产具有国内先进水平的吊篮,卷扬机,船用起锚机和打桩机系列产品的企业。Great Power Lift Engineering and Equipment Company Limited in Jiangyan, taizhou city is a specialized manufacturer of nacelles, hoists , marine capstans and pile drivers in advanced level.

根据某工程锤击预应力管桩的试桩资料和垂直静载荷试验,分析了管桩的打桩机理,对于桩端持力层为硬塑?Based on pile-tested material concerning prestressed tube-pile with hammering and vertical load test practiced in a project, this paper is aimed at analyzing the mechanism of tube-pile striking.