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她的批评切中要害。Her criticism struck home.

你的答案未能切中要害。Your answer isn't to the point.

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这本书切中了我们现在经济的时弊。The book diagnoses our present economic ills.

那封信打字工整清晰,行间留一行距离,切中要点。It was cleanly typed, single-spaced, and to the point.

它们更为简洁,更加切中要点,而更少止于华丽词藻。They are terser, more to the point and less euphuistic.

你最后的一句话切中要害,对极了。Your last remark really hit the bull's eye, it was exactly right.

就学习英语而言,他所讲的并未切中要害。As far as the study of English was concerned, what he said was of no point.

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根据裁刀的特殊形状,研究了裁刀裁切中的刀具半径补偿方法。As the cutter is strip shape, cutter offsetting is researched in the thesis.

我认为上面的例子基本上能够切中要害,但是也非常简单。I think the above example is essentially on-target, but it also is pretty simple.

奥巴马政府的金融业改革方案是否能切中要害,药到病除?Would the Obama administration’s plan for financial reform do what has to be done?

演说中奇怪的布道式的语气,我认为,刚好切中要点。The strangely sermonic tone that this speech assumes is, I think, exactly the point.

要让文句切中要点,最好的方法就是用第三人称写作。The best way to convey clout is to write the paper from a third-person point of view.

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但是所有这些对于游牧主义的早期描述和预言都没有切中要害。But all of those early depictions and predictions of nomadism arguably missed the point.

杨慎每个文章理论观点的提出,皆能切中时弊。The proposal of every literary theory by Yang Shen can hit the social problems of the times.

任何问题的切中要害的回答常常是可信和可依此行事的。The gut-level response to any question is often the one that should be trusted and acted upon.

究其原因在于提出的建议和采取的措施没有切中经费短缺问题的要害所在。The reason why it did not work is that the suggestions and the measures made have not hit the point.

在单板旋切中,选择最佳的定心点是旋切优化的最关键技术。For veneer peeling, the most crux technique of the peeling is how to fix the optimum centering point.

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该报告提出对鲸鱼和人类都至关重要的问题,真正是“切中要点”,梅迪纳女士表示。The report "is right on target" for raising issues critical to humans as well as whales, Ms Medina said.

成为那种直接切中要害的人,你将会出更多的成果,人们也将会把你视为一名具有领导力的人。By becoming someone who gets to the point you’ll be more productive and people will look to you as a leader.

而泰斯拉正在用他切中要害的辞令说道,并且还可能说服哨兵成员们采用另一套不同的行动方案。Besides, Tesla was giving it his best shot and might yet convince the Sentinels to adopt a different course of action.