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滚吧你这个叛徒。Just go, you traitor.

叛徒!你做奸细告发了我们。Traitor! You ratted on us.

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你这个铁皮叛徒!Why, you tin-plated traitor!

他被描绘成一个叛徒。He was depicted as a traitor.

有些工人开始认为他是一个叛徒。He was labeled as a turncoat.

第三,撒但是一个叛徒。Thirdly, his work is a betrayer.

那玩意是个没有小鸡鸡的叛徒!That thing is a dickless traitor!

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叛徒终于被揭露出来。The traitor was at last unmasked.

我出卖朋友,我是内奸,是叛徒。I'm a Judas, a turncoat, a quisling!

换言之,考茨基是个叛徒。In other words, Kautsky is a renegade.

他们正在设法揪出叛徒。They are seeking to unkennel traitors.

他转会去德国了,这个叛徒。He transferred to Germany, the traitor.

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我是个叛徒,变节者,流氓。I'm a renegade, a turncoat, a Scalawag.

懦夫蹙眉,叛徒鄙夷。Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer.

您这个没骨头的贪婪的可耻叛徒!You spineless , greedy and dirty traitor!

头号叛徒哟!如今又从何贵干?And now, my Epic Renegade! what are ye at?

叛徒者?事实上,是他们背叛了我才对!Betrayer? In truth, it was I who was betrayed.

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看观吧。可怜的叛徒,唾星与咒骂同在!Read it . Poor traitor , spit upon and curst !

这名叛徒被同谋者杀死了。The traitor was dispatched by the conspirators.

对于懦夫和叛徒将没有任何怜悯!There will be no mercy For cowards and traitors!