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犬吠为何?Why Dogs Bark?

有人会问我为何如此确信。How can I be sure?

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先知为何?What is a prophet?

为何要终止呢Why did they stop?

为何不再试一下?Why not try again?

我们为何静坐不动呢。Why do we sit still?

求求你,为何如此?Prithee, why so pale?

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人生在世,所为何来?What are we here for?

冰河期的成因为何?What causes ice ages?

你为何皱眉?Why are you frowning?

为何做开放硬件?Why do open hardware?

为何如此不同?Why that discrepancy?

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为何海水是咸的?Why the Sea is Salty ?

为何购买免费音乐?Why Pay for Free Music?

您为何是一位扶轮社友?Why are you a Rotarian?

为何会有彩票呢?Why do lotteries exist?

我们为何想要加以研究?Why do we engage in it?

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你为何总是看着她?Why do you look at her?

他们为何欢呼?Why were they cheering?

我问他,‘为何现在复出?’I asked him, 'why now?'.