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你可以沿海滩到处发现身材矫健的人。You can find great bods everywhere along the beach.

他的儿子已发展为一个矫健勤劳的小伙子。His son has grown up into a sturdy hardworking young man.

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我们想保举我们新的家庭矫健监测器。Wead like to recommend our new home heingternativeh monitor.

道格拉斯,今年53岁。他是一个面带微笑、步伐矫健而自信的人。Fields, 53, is a sinewy man with a broad smile and a jaunty gait.

你矫健的身躯,像一颗流星,划过寂静的黎明。Your vigorous body, like a meteor, echoing across the silent dawn.

他仍然保持着矫健的身姿,手里装矿泉水的塑料袋一甩一甩。He kept his strong and vigorous mien . The water bottle in his bag wobbled.

心若老,矫健的步伐也只能走在自己画就的牢房内。If the old heart, can only take robust steps in their own painted on his cell.

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马走在花海中,显得格外矫健,人浮在花海上,也显得格外精神。The horse in the flowers, very healthy, people floating in the flower sea, also appears.

两条盘柱泥塑蟠龙,生动矫健,似欲昂首腾飞。Two clay-sculptured dragons spiralling up the columns seem to fly up with the head high.

扎西像雄鹰一样勇敢矫健,卓玛像月亮一样美丽温柔。Tashi was brave and strong like an eagle, and Drolma was beautiful and sweet like the Moon.

当面对这种袭击时,政治家们表现出矫健的身手——至今仍没有人被击中。These politicians are no loafers when it comes to the artful dodge – none have been hit yet.

中国的入世和申奥的成功,使中国也正以矫健的步伐进入地球村。China's success to entre the WTO and holding the Olympics make china step into the village firmly.

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未来的银鹰,必将展开更加矫健的翅膀,博击长空,翱翔万里。Hope INWIN group would fly with strong and vigorous wings , struggle to the vast sky and soar fast.

每次离开诊所我都难以置信地感觉良好,头发光泽、皮肤洁净、步伐矫健。I have left the clinic feeling incredibly well, with shiny hair and clear skin and a spring in my step.

这张惹人注目的剪影照片显现出一头走向一棵树准备午后小憩的猎豹的矫健的身影。A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber.

那气势,宛如一条矫健的玉龙,从悬崖之颠,腾云驾雾,呼啸而下,击得潭中水花四溅。That momentum, like a supple Yulong, of Britain from the cliff, clouds, whistling down, get hit lake splash.

玥玥,这是你最近一次参加公众活动的矫健身影,你会很快回到这个状态滴!Yue, this is the energetic image you have in your latest public activity, you will be back to this kink of state!

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他的矫健使艾莉深为敬佩,知道他做得如此轻快是比看起来要难得多。Allie was impressed by his agility, knowing that what he had done so quickly and easily was harder than it looked.

并经专家精选,在严格控制的环境下繁殖、喂养,色彩出众、身型矫健,标榜“超级红龙”的优良品质。Selected through a series of rigorous quality assurance test. ensuring pureness pedigree in its body, shape and colour.

当我看到姣好的女儿矫健地离开这个世上,喜悦和幸运化作泪水夺眶而出。Tears of joy and hrequestiness ci ame to my eyes as our heingternativehy aware wonderful daugusthter entered this world.