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鸭嘴龙要吃很多针叶树叶,这些针叶树确实含有已知的致癌物。Hadrosaurs ate plenty of them and they did contain known carcinogens.

鸭嘴龙也称为鸭嘴兽,是白垩纪后期鸟盘目草食性恐龙家族的一员。Yazui Long also known as the platypus, is the late Cretaceous bird-head herbivorous dinosaur of a family.

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但是古生物学家却在圣胡安盆地的砂岩中发现了一只鸭嘴龙单体的34块骨骼化石堆。But paleontologists found a concentration of 34 bones from a single hadrosaur in the San Juan Basin sandstone.

新发现的牙齿牙冠上发育有明显的第二、三副脊,这在鸭嘴龙中是罕见的。Well developed secondary and tertiary ridges on the lingual side of the dentary crowns are unusual in hadrosaurids.

最后,曼宁说,意味着科学家可能已低估了鸭嘴龙和其他恐龙的大小。The result, Manning said, implies that scientists may have been underestimating the size of hadrosaurs and other dinosaurs.

鸭嘴龙没有那种哺乳动物具备的下颌关节,而正是这种关节让我们的牙齿可以左右运动。Duck-billed dinosaurs lack they type of jaw joint found in mammals that allows us to slide our teeth in a side-to-side motion.

日本考古学家在日本西南方的三船村掘出一块鸭嘴龙的头骨,距今八千五百万年前。In the town of Mifune in southwestern Japan, Japanese archaeologists unearth an 85 million-year-old hadrosaurid dinosaur's skull.

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这些恐龙都是更大更壮的鸟臀目恐龙,例如剑龙、甲龙和鸭嘴龙的先祖。These dinosaurs were the forerunners of the bigger and more spectacular ornithischians like stegosaurus,ankylosaurus and the duck-billed dinosaurs.

这些纹路能告诉科学家们这些动物可能是怎样咀嚼食物的,而牙齿上并没有坑坑洼洼的小坑,这个迹象告诉我们鸭嘴龙吃什么。While the scratches told the scientists how the animal may have chewed, the lack of pit marks on the teeth suggested what the hadrosaur was eating.

这些恐龙都是更大更壮的鸟臀目恐龙,例如剑龙、甲龙和鸭嘴龙的先祖。These dinosaurs were the forerunners of the bigger and more spectacular ornithischians like stegosaurus, ankylosaurus and the duck-billed dinosaurs.

研究者们认为,这些纹路显示了这种鸭嘴龙的牙齿运动很复杂,包括了上下、左右、前后的运动。The researchers say the scratches reveal that the movements of hadrosaur teeth were complex and involved up and down, sideways and front-to-back motion.

科学家们指出,这些鸭嘴龙的骨骼化石很难随着地层断裂迁移到较为年轻的地层之中。Scientists point out that the it is very difficult for these duck-billed dinosaur fossil bones to move to more younger strata as of the fracture formation.

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在其生存的年代中,Samrukia所处的生态系统中包括了剑龙,鸭嘴龙,霸王龙和其它捕食性恐龙。During its day, Samrukia existed in an ecosystem that included armored dinosaurs, duckbilled dinosaurs, and tyrannosaurs -- along with other predatory dinos.

在几百万年间,直到他们在白垩纪结束时消失之前,鸭嘴龙是地球上最主要的食草动物。"For millions of years, until their extinction at the end of the Cretaceous, duck-billed dinosaurs, or hadrosaurs, were the world's dominant herbivores, " Purnell said.

山东诸城是我国研究白垩纪地层和古生物的经典地区之一,特别以产出晚白垩世鸭嘴龙类恐龙化石群而闻名中外。Zhucheng City of Shandong Province is one of classic areas for the study on Cretaceous strata and fossils in China, yielding rich Late Cretaceous hadrosaurid dinosaurs famously.

就鸭嘴龙而言,四条腿疾驰的运动方式也会在它的骨胳上施加过多的压力,因此,它们可能利用四条腿以较为驰缓的方式移动并抬起两条前肢奔跑。For the hadrosaurs, a four-legged gallop would also have put too much stress on their bones, so it is most likely they moved at slower speeds on four legs and reared up to run on two.