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生活是逆水行舟,不进则退。Life is boating against the current.

不进则退。Either one goes forward or he will be left behind.

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但是我们丝毫不可松懈,摆在我们面前的形势如同逆水行舟,不进则退。The situation we are facing now is like going upstream.

事实就是如此,人之为学,不进则退。The reality is, if you’re not going forward, you are going backwards.

学习犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。你是想进步,还是倒退?Study is like a boat sailing against the current. Which do you want , sink or swim?

经营企业,如逆水行舟,不进则退!Managing an enterprise is like rowing against the current, No progress means backwards.

学如逆水行舟,不进则退,最忌“三天打鱼,两天晒网”。Learn he who does not gain loses, most avoid is "three days, two days fishing nets are spread".

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俗话说“不进则退”,制卡和会员卡制作企业要想在竞争者中脱颖而出,就需要付出更多的努力。We all say " go ", Business card printing and membership card production enterprise in apart, you need to do more.

不进则退。要紧的是一旦実现了一个交易目标,祢応该立刻设定一个新的目标。Unless you progress, you go backwards. Once you complete a trading goal it is crucial that you immediately set a new goal.

公司本着“发展是硬道理”的精神,牢记“不进则退,无功即过”的哲学观。The company spirit of "development is the clincher" the spirit, keeping in mind the "falling behind, reactive or a" philosophy.

不进则退。因此每一天,你都应该想方设法采取行动,推动生活前进。If you're not moving forward, you're falling behind. So every day, in some way or another, take action to move your life forward.

这是一个蕴孕机遇与挑战,既充满危机又孕育生机,大有可为、不进则退的重要发展期,是决定城市电视台未来命运的关键期。The degree, to which a city television station exploits news sources, determines the place it occupies in the media circle there.

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这是一个蕴孕机遇与挑战,既充满危机又孕育生机,大有可为、不进则退的重要发展期,是决定城市电视台未来命运的关键期。Our country city TV station had robust development, brilliant achievements, great contributions , but it has been a matter of the past.

经济全球化深入发展,使各国各地区都面对不进则退的选择。With the development of economic globalization in depth , all countries and regions face the choice of moving forward or falling behind.

但是这次在我眼中就是退步了,就好像中文所说的“不进则退”,真是悲哀呢。However, in my view, it also means that I slipped back. Like the Chinese saying, "you are falling behind when you don't step forward. " What a woe.

不进则退,JINMENGDIE公司将不懈努力,勇往开拓,愿和同识之士共创美好未来。Not to advance is to go back, JINMENGDIE Company will make great efforts, brave to open-up, wish and create beautiful future with the person knowing it.

我厂本着“发展是硬道理”的精神,牢记“不进则退,无功即过”的哲学观。We always follow our enterprise spirits "Developement is deep-dyed truth", and remember our philosophy" No forwards means backward. No success means fails".

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为聚酯装备国产化立下汗马功劳的中国工程院院士蒋士成谆谆告诫代表,在高新技术飞速发展的今天“不进则退”。For pet equipment made made distinguished achievements of academician Jiang Shicheng got a representative, in today's rapid development of high-tech "not to".

文章最后认为,“不进则退”的理念是信息企业购并与扩展的人文基础与内在动因。Finally, this paper holds that the idea of"forging ahead or you will fall behind"is the basis and the motive of merger & acquisition of information enterprises.

我向老婆提出了这条“不进则退”的方针,在我安定于一个更平和的、更安稳的、更高收入的生活状态之前,我给自己最后一次机会来考验我的理念。An up-or-out strategy was how I described it to my wife, one last shot to test out my ideas before I settled into a calmer, more stable, and better-paying existence.