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伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。She takes the crystal as her amulet.

我是来取招魂护身符的。I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy.

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伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。Isabel I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy.

这个老太太宣称她能给死者招魂。The old lady claims to be able to call up spirits from the dead.

增加了两个新的类型的'复活'部队上涨虽然招魂。Added two new types of 'revived' troops gained though Necromancy.

许多人认为心灵研究和招魂术已提供了这种证据。Psychical research and spiritualism are thought by many to supply such evidence.

全新的魔法元素,包括招魂,幻象和强大的神器!All New Elements of Magic including Necromancy, Illusions, and powerful Artifacts.

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招魂将增加,从而提高汉字的死为他们争取。Necromancy will be added, allowing characters to raise the dead to fight for them.

箭手招魂亡灵巫师能够召唤出骷髅射手代替骷髅。Raise Archers Allows a Necromancer to raise Skeleton Archers instead of Skeletons.

当你有这些,你可以先谈招魂仪式,符咒,祈祷。Once you have these you can go on to evocation rituals, talismans , and invocations.

因此它可用于从巫术,招魂术或启神等形式获得关于死亡的知识。Thus it can be used to gain knowledge from the dead through necromancy, seance, and divination.

如果他们不想要战争,他们就不会去那里为战犯招魂,对吗?If they didn't want wars, they wouldn't have to go there to call back the mind of war criminals, right?

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村民们唱起招魂的歌谣,把打有三个结的白色线绳系在我的手腕上。The villagers chanted to call the spirits home and tied bits of white string on to my wrists with three knots.

萨满教是中国先秦两汉社会一直存在的宗教现象,其主要特征是依靠昏迷技术与鬼神世界交通、招魂和治疗病人。As a religious phenomenon, Shamanism had always existed in the society of China's pre-Qin period and Han Dynasty.

大批的人排起了长队去旁听这场将不忠、巫术、招魂和巨额财富彻底曝光的官司。Crowds have queued to attend the case, which has exposed a world of infidelity, necromancy and incredible wealth.

如此继续下去,直到我发现自己沉浸在奶酪、招魂术和落基山脉的遐想之中——但仍没有睡意!And so it went on, until I found myself meditating on cheese, or spiritualism , or the Rocky Mountains—but no sleep!

本人已死,有事烧纸。小事招魂,大事挖坟。实在想我,下来陪我。如遇上线,纯属尸。I am dead, something burning. Small evocation, big dig. I really want to, come down with me. In case of line, Pure Evil Dead.

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姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响--根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds--there had been no murdered peddler, it had all been a prank.

本片根据网络轰动一时的校园灵异社团在鬼节利用“见鬼十法”招魂恐怖经历改编而成。This film is based on the campus network in the community the create a great sensation by "Halloween hell ten" evocation of horror adapted.

寻求愈加浓郁的了解,她研究招魂的科学文献,学习狼的生态学、生物学和进化。Heywood said. Seeking a more full-bodied understanding, she delved into the scientific literature, studying wolf ecology, biology and evolution.