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接受北京汇文语言文化学校对学习的安排。I shall accept the arrangement of the school regarding my study.

介绍了翻译的两个主要趋向-语言学趋向和文化学趋向。Two main trends in translation studies-linguistic and cultural are introduced.

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一些学者在对“瘴气”的研究中使用了文化学和心理学的方法。Cultural and psychological methods have introduced into the research of miasma.

汉字文化学是汉字学的一个分支。The Chinese character culture is a branch of the study of the Chinese character.

感性选择具有认识论、本体论以及文化学上的多重意蕴。The perceptual choice has multi-meanings of epistemology, noumenon and culturology.

“文化认同”是文化学领域一个重要而被广泛运用的概念。"Culture-identity" is an important concept widely used in the field of culturology.

在当代,建立对话的文化学已刻不容缓。Today, it is urgent to constitute a kind of culturology based on the paradigm of dialogue.

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本文论述海南岛贬谪文学多方面的文化学价值。This article talks about many-sided cultural value of relegation literature on Hainan Island.

中国传统诗学中的文化观念构成了一个潜在的文化学体系。According to the concepts of Chinese traditional poetics, we can have a system of culturology.

文化学和多元文化取向对儿童社会化研究产生了全面而深刻的影响。The culture orientation and sense of multi-culture are brined about complete and deep influence.

三是关于布哈林的无产阶级文化学说与列宁、托洛茨基的关系问题。The third is on the relationship between Bukharin's proletarian culture theory and Lenin & Trotski.

奥斯瓦尔德·斯宾格勒是现代德国著名的历史学家、文化学家和哲学家。Oswald Spengler is a famous historian, culture scientist and philosophy anthropologist in modern German.

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“人文奥运”的理念,正是中国对奥林匹克运动的文化学诠释。The conception of humanity Olympics 1S the explanation that china explains culture of the olympic sports.

论文还从文化学角度,分析两种碑文产生与发展的社会文化动因。The author also analyses the society and culture reason of the two inscriptions from the angle of culture.

“文化”、“文化学”、“文化体系”是其文化学体系架构三个基本范畴。"culture", " culturology" and "the cultural system", are the basic categories in his culturological system.

古盐湖水文化学面貌的再造是研究地下卤水起源和演化问题的基础。Reconstruction of the hydrochemical features of paleosalt lake is the basis of origin and evolution of brines.

旅游文化学是研究旅游活动中的文化现象及其内在规律的科学。Tourist culturology is a science that studies the cultural phenomena and the internal rules of tourist activities.

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要求初中文化程度以下的罪犯一般都要参加文化学习。Prisoners whose educational level is below the junior secondary school level are generally required to attend classes.

语言文化学倡导的正是一种从语言出发,以文本为基点、以意义与知识为指归的语言文化学阐释法。Linguistic culturology typifies a hermeneutics starting from language, based on text and with meaning and knowledge as focus.

“廉政文化的文化学透视”正是对廉政文化进行理性思考的初步尝试。" Probing Incorruptible Culture through the Science of Culture " is an attempt to think incorruptible culture over rationally.