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墙上的图表是工艺流程表。The chart on the wall is the technics flow.

所以,冷进料是最合理的工艺流程。So the cold feed is the most rational technology.

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点击此处查看马勺脸谱工艺流程。Click here to view Wooden Painted Face Technics Flow.

熟悉木相架,金属相架的工艺流程。Be familiar with the procedure of wooden and metal frames.

针对不同类型的卤水,相应有不同的净化工艺流程。There are different processes according to the kind of brine.

概述了金属磷化处理的工艺流程及设备。Process and equipment for phosphating of metals were described.

与水共沸的物质的精制相当困难,一般工艺流程都较长。It's quite difficult to purify the substance co-boiling with water.

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介绍了豆蛋白婴儿配方奶的配方设计、设计依据和工艺流程。The formula design, design basis and process are mainly introduced.

整个工艺流程完全是纯手工制作,无机械加工部分。The whole process is entirely handmade of pure, non-machining section.

实验粉厂小麦清理工艺流程介绍分析。Introduction and analysis of wheat cleaning flow for school flour mill.

在高密度聚乙烯装置中,环管反应器是工艺流程的核心设备。Loop reactor is the key equipment in a high density polyethylene plant.

我们通过不断改进产品设计和工艺流程,和大家一起努力营造一个和谐的绿色家园。We aim to improve the product and process to create a harmonious world.

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主要介绍新型L-乳酸酸菜工艺流程。A processing technology of new L-lactate Chinese sauerkraut was reported.

当按下按键时,该报警点会跟踪工艺流程。The alarm point tracks the process flow while the push-button is pressed.

该设备主要用于燕麦脱壳,供燕麦加工厂工艺流程中配套使用。The machine is mainly used for oat hulling in the oat processing factory.

给出了丝锥复合镀的工艺流程和工艺配方。The process flow and formula of composite plating on taps were presented.

本文提出了灭蚊球孢菌胶悬剂的工艺流程,加工方法。The manufacture and preparing procedure were mentioned also in this paper.

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成为塑造“单向度”的人的工艺流程。Education became a technological process which mould"one-way degree"person.

提出了DMF溶剂回收过程的工艺流程改造方案。A new scheme about the revamping of DMF solvent recovery system is provided.

在简要介绍水冶工艺基础上,对该工艺流程进行了评述。A review of this mill was made on the basis of introducing the mill process.