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这首名曲赞美了中国的大好河山。It praises the picturesque landscape of China.

中国,还有美丽的大好河山。China, also the beautiful beautiful country side.

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大好河山,尽收相机,与众分享,其乐无穷。Great scenery, all recorded by the share, is a very happy thing.

我国还有美丽的大好河山。Our country is beautiful beautiful rivers and mountains of a country.

他就是凭着这双芒鞋,走遍了中国的大好河山。With that pair of straw sandals, he walked all over his beautiful motherland of China.

人们用美的心境,享受着旅游的乐趣,享受着祖国的大好河山。We enjoy the pleasure of traveling and great landscape of our motherland with relaxed and happy spirit.

漫步在中国美丽大好河山的旅途中,伴随着身边美妙音乐的响起。Walking great rivers and mountains in China, a beautiful journey, accompanied by wonderful music sounded around.

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刘时键在空中含泪让父亲俯瞰祖国的大好河山,他在了却老人生前的遗愿。LiuShiJian in the air to the motherland father tearfully overlooking the vigor, he was in at the old man's wishes.

每个暑假,我和妈妈一起欣赏祖国的大好河山,了解中国文化。Every summer, my mother and I appreciate the motherland with great rivers and mountains, to understand Chinese culture.

千万多你我的双手,绘制出祖国大好河山,瞭望千山万水,不急我的爱情!More than 10 million of you my hands, draw a great rivers and mountains of the motherland, Liaowang mountains, non-urgent my love!

在游历祖国大好河山的过程中,唤起学生心中美好的人生感悟,激发他们的爱国情感,培养他们的民族精神。We can use workshop discussion, emotional experience, role-playing, and other methods to cultivate the students of good moral qualities.

劳作之后,站在山头,迎着凉爽的秋风,欣赏着这大好河山,叹出千万的感慨。After work, standing in the mountains, in the cool autumn wind, enjoying the beautiful rivers and mountains of a country, with 10 million.

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中国山水画中的本质精神是什么,其实就是运用笔墨来表现画家对大好河山的再现、空间的艺术。The essence of Chinese landscape painting is what is actually used to show for painting painters and beautiful land of representation, space art.

总在心底存一个渴望,能有机缘浏览祖国大好河山,哪怕等到黄鹤飞去华发增添。Always keep a heart desire to have an excellent opportunity here rivers and mountains of the motherland, even until the white hair flew Huang added.

我喜欢旅行,旅行不仅让我饱览祖国的大好河山,而且在学到知识的同时还锻炼了自己。I like travel, because travel not only allows me to enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but also brings me knowledge and exercise.

中国的大好河山,想去国外体验下出境游的乐趣,那么来普吉岛吧。普吉岛给你非一般的旅途之乐。Stroll times China's good land, want to go to abroad experience the fun of outbound under, then to phuket it. Phuket give you not ordinary journey of music.

到那时我一定会把祖国的大好河山介绍给大家,我一定会把祖国古老的文化介绍给大家。By that time I have the great motherland will be introduced to the Heshan everyone, I have an ancient culture of the motherland will be introduced to everyone.

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我们要适应时代发展的要求,正确认识祖国的历史与未来,热爱祖国的大好河山。We must adapt the time development request, understood correctly the motherland the history and the future, will deeply love the motherland the beautiful country.

另外,我完成了作业,去游览了祖国的大好河山,那些美丽的地方会成为我心中永远难忘的记忆的。In addition, I completed the work, to visit the motherland of the great rivers and mountains, beautiful place which will become my heart will never forget the memory.

当他第一次控制阿凡达时,发现自己新的双腿可以带着这具轻快的新身体穿越潘多拉这个外星星球最壮丽的大好河山。It's when he inhabits his avatar for the first time and discovers that his new legs can take his lithe new body through some of the most sublime scenery on not-Earth.