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利用本软件设计的网具,具有良好的渔获效果。Net designed by the software has good fishing efficiency.

总之,剩下的钱我合部用来买燃料,绳索和网具。So anyway, I'm putting all those on gas, ropes, and new nets.

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勾花护栏网具有编织简洁、美观实用的特点。Chain Link Fence with a weaving simple, beautiful and practical.

萨尔图油田南二区东部基础井网具有较好的代表性。Basic well pattern in eastern Nan2 area, Saertu Oilfield is the typical one.

禁止使用小于最小网目尺寸的网具进行捕捞。It is prohibited to go fishing with nets smaller than the smallest size of mesh.

底层双向拉伸网具有延伸率低、强度高的特性,起着防止坡体下滑的作用。The bottom geonet can avoid mass-wasting for its low elongation and high strength.

我们还提供渔船修理工具、新的网具以及其他物质援助。We've also been providing boat repair kits, new nets, and other such material aid.

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由于互连网具有的国际性和开放性,网络的安全隐患也不断暴露出来。The Internet's openness and internationalism bring potential trouble to its safety.

禁止使用小于最小网目尺寸的网具进行捕捞。The use of fishing nets with mesh smaller than the specified minimum size is prohibited.

美格网是用来防止人、物坠落,或用来避免、减轻坠落及物击伤害的网具。Meg nets are used to prevent people, falling to avoid, reduce, or fall or damage of gears.

科学性分析也归纳出资讯网具有短路径和「小世界」等特徵。Scientific analysis has also characterized the Web as having short paths and small worlds.

定置网具是沿海和内陆水域使用较广泛的渔具之一,渔获量占有一定的比重。The setting net is one kind of main fisking gears used widely in inshore and inland waters.

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结果表明,该网的结构合理,网具性能优良。The experimental results show that the net structure is reasonable and trawl performance is fine.

中国期刊网具有数据量大、更新速度快、权威性高、综合性强等特点。The Chinese periodical web has the character of vast data, high speed, comprehensive and authority.

禁止使用小于最小网目尺寸的网具进行捕捞。It is banned to go fishing in the prohibited fishing areas or within the prohibited fishing periods.

该实用新型是一种单股或多股胶丝套网,属于捕鱼网具。The utility model discloses a single or multiple strand latex filiform net belonging to a fishing net.

基于GPS测量法建立的施工平面控制网具有精度高、布网方便等优点。There are such merits as high precision and easy to plays network for the plane control survey on GPS techniques.

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建筑安全网是用来防止人、物坠落,或用来避免、减轻坠落及物击伤害的网具。Construction safety net is used to prevent people or objects falling , or to avoid or reduce falls and physical attack damage.

制作的绳索、网具和其他多种产品产品已在国家核电工程、船舶航运、和其他特殊用途上取得了良好应用。Braided rope, net and many other products have got good application in national nuclear power project, shipping and other special events.

海安虎威网具有限公司位于黄海之滨,是江苏省专业生产网具的重点工厂,日本全自动生产线。MSC Huwei net in the Yellow Sea Limited, Jiangsu Province, is a professional network of key production plants, Japan automatic production lines.