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我是手无寸铁的"I am unarmed."

出动坦克车对付手无寸铁的学生。Tanks were sent in agai t unarmed students.

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炸弹像雨点一般落在手无寸铁的老百姓身上。Bombs rained down on the unarmed common people.

现在,马萨林孤身一人,手无寸铁,他也知道。Now Mazarin was alone and defenseless, as he well knew.

我们全力强调的是一名手无寸铁的黑人遭到了杀害。We dramatized the shooting down of an unarmed black man.

军队肆无忌惮地屠杀手无寸铁的民众。Troops indiscriminately massacred the defenceless population.

他的火箭弹和炮弹雨点般得打向艾季达比耶手无寸铁的平民。His rockets and shells rained down on defenseless civilians in Ajdabiya.

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原本柔术是古代日本武士在手无寸铁时的格斗用法。Originally Jujutsu was the method of unarmed combat of the Ancient Samurai.

手无寸铁的阿雷特无助地呆立在那里,这时一声震耳欲聋的枪声响起,接着又是一响。Arete froze, unarmed and helpless. Then a shot boomed loud, followed by another.

这是一位女性的斗争史,她手无寸铁,善良和思想便是她的武器。It is the fight of a woman without any weapons, just her kindness and her mentality.

对于恐怖主义一个较好的定义是武装分子有预谋地对手无寸铁的平民发动袭击。A better definition of terrorism is a deliberate attack by armed men on unarmed civilians.

巴勒斯坦官员说,他们是手无寸铁的平民,正在搜寻废弃的金属。Palestinian officials said they were unarmed civilians who were searching for scrap metal.

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就像操场上某个调皮小鬼为了保护心目中那个手无寸铁的”小孩子“一样,于是他去咬人。He bit like a playground runt to protect the defenseless little person he thought himself to be.

然而,激进分子说,事实上是手无寸铁的示威者再次受到士兵的实弹袭击。However, activists said unarmed demonstrators were again attacked by soldiers firing live rounds.

伊拉克人民一穷二白、手无寸铁,但他们还是有骨气的民族,对于外族占领唯一能够做的只有时不时通过炸弹袭击来进行反抗。The only thing they can do as a resistance are those bomb attacks.I do not support those attacks.

他一枪命中林肯的后脑,将手无寸铁的林肯置于死地,他自己也因此而遗臭万年。He is remembered for taking the life of an unarmed Lincoln with a gunshot to the back of the head.

伊拉克人民一穷二白、手无寸铁,但他们还是有骨气的民族,对于外族占领唯一能够做的只有时不时通过炸弹袭击来进行反抗。The only thing they can do as a resistance are those bomb attacks. I do not support those attacks.

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他们威胁着要开枪,却没法挡住游行者,手无寸铁的工人们不断向前逼进。They threatened to shoot, but the marchers could not be stopped. The unarmed workers press on and on.

23岁的专业军士杰里米摩洛克告诉法庭他曾经协助杀害了三名手无寸铁的阿富汗人。Army Specialist Jeremy Morlock, 23, told a military court he had helped to kill three unarmed Afghans.

斯尼维亚人被长期奴役,萨拉西亚奴隶主们对这些手无寸铁的人民敲骨吸髓。Snivvians have long been subjected to slavery, as Thalassian slavers prey upon the defenseless people.