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一旦梦儿死亡。For if dreams die.

一旦银行抵债。Once the bank debt.

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一旦一个欺负讪笑我。Once a bully teased me.

一旦我找到了苏珊娜。And when I find Susanna.

一旦我钓到了一条鱼还活着。Once I caught a fish alive.

一旦你找到了你的爱人。Once youve found that lover.

一旦怀疑,就把它丢掉。When in doubt, throw it out!

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不要一旦获得工作就匆忙答应下来。Dont hurry when offered a job.

一旦看到猎物,勇敢扑上去!When you see it, pounce on it.

一旦上了岸,就不再祈祷。Once on shore, we pray no more.

一旦你这样做了,你会感觉很棒。Once you do, you’ll feel great.

一旦你找到它,就不要让它走掉。If you find it, don't let it go.

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一旦开始流程后,就不要走回头路。Once you start, don't look back.

一旦他在位置了,往后靠。Once he’s in position, lean back.

一旦用完了最后一滴液体。Once you just have the last drop.

一旦你失去了意识,你就完了。Once you lose awareness, you lose.

一旦你开始追梦,你就不要停止。Once you start, you will not stop.

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可青春,这一幻梦,一旦离开。But when youth, the dream, departs.

没有,一旦我在那儿安家会交朋友的。I have settledC. I'll be settled D.

一旦被套牢了,女人就变成了一头牛。Once hooked, a woman becomes a cow.