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乱来于事无补。To hugger-mugger won't help you.

别乱来,不要让他失血太多。Freeze, don't make him to lose too much blood.

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的确的,农民在乡里颇有一点子“乱来”。True, the peasants are in a sense " unruly" in the countryside.

这就是要保护我们避免受乱来性行为的严重伤害。This protects us from being severely hurt by uncontrolled sexual activity.

你是自作自受!也许他发现是你先开始乱来的。Serves you right! He probably found out that you were cheating on him first.

没有王,女王啥事儿也不干,然后黑子不守规矩乱来。There's no king, the queen does fuck all and the blacks never follow the rules.

彻底搜查,仔细检查,通过搬运、翻动或弄乱来搜寻。To search thoroughly by handling, turning over, or disarranging the contents of.

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我想做的嘢太多,但喺时间却不容许我乱来。The things I interest in are more than I can handle, time forbids me doing these.

首先学习计算机科学和那些理论,然后摸索出你自己的编程风格,然后把那些都忘掉,乱来就行了。First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style.

战争虽有胜负,但任何统治阶级都不能完全乱来。While wars could be won or lost, no ruling class could be completely irresponsible.

我们没有在约会何氏狐臭净,但我们说好了不会和别的什么人乱来。we aren't dating but we have an understandment not to fool around with other people.

也许是因为欢乐时光开始之后、我必须信任从后面开向我的司机不会乱来的那种焦虑。Maybe it was the sense of anxiety at having to trust the drivers coming up behind me after happy hour had begun.

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一定要以自己的利益为最大出发点,权衡利弊,不可凭一时喜好乱来!Must take own benefit as the best starting point, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, not a momentary preferences!

但是他们过的日子并不得幸福,她老公经常会打她,还经常在外乱来,可想小幽日子过得好惨哪!But they had not happy day, Her husband often call her, but also often outside, deep freeze to small day very miserably!

接着我十二万分仔细地研究他乱来监督的形式、方法和主要的特征。And then I scrutinized , with a minute scrutiny, the forms, and the methods, and the leading traits of his impertinent supervision.

你不说我还想不起来,原来你妈生你就是从建筑工地里跟男人乱来才有了你这个王八儿子。Similiarly you do not say that I did not want it, so your mother you are from the building site with man. Have you this bastard son.

他是个持之以恒得人,但他也很喜欢家庭生活,下了班就回家不会乱来。He was always a constant and consistent trainer, but he enjoyed his family life too and wouldn't hang around before heading for home.

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他宣称自己有一位交往多时的“女友”,但未透露身份,并称这位女友绝不允许自己乱来。He claimed to have a long-standing "girlfriend", whom he did not identify, who he said would never have allowed him to behave in such a way.

晚上,吉塔回家后,我踢了她十二脚,因为我掌握了她跟人家乱来的无可辩驳的证据,理直气壮得很。In the evening when Geeta came home I kicked her a dozen times because I was armed with the moral strength of possessing irrefutable proof of her affairs.

他们认为顾客是上帝,以这样的理念在店里乱来,浪费别人时间,让香港的生意变得比其他地方更难做。They take Customer is always right as their weapon to be a typical bullshitter and time-wasters in shops making business in Hong Kong more difficult than anywhere else.