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第二章是关于名祖名词的派生词。Chapter Two is about the derivatives of eponyms.

这是个派生词,你能指出它的词根吗?This word is a derivative. Can you point out its root?

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英语有大量的合成词和派生词。English has a lot of words which are made by composition and derivation.

第四章是对带前缀“阿”的派生词的识别分析。Chapter 4 is with the prefix "a" analysis of derivative word recognition.

这是一个派生词。你能说出它的词根、前缀和后缀吗?。This word is a derivation. Can you point out its root, prefix and suffix?

汉语里“白”字的派生词能表达纯洁、无辜的意思。Chinese to "white" characters derivatives can express pure, innocent meaning.

在后一种情况中,我们用的是一个有着完全相同含义的拉丁派生词。In the latter, we are using a Latin derivative which has exactly the same meaning.

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孤儿这个词是个古希腊的派生词,意为一个父母双亡的孩子。The word orphan is a Greek derivation meaning a child who has lost both parents through death.

所述术语包括上面所列的词,以及它们的派生词和相似的外来词汇。The terminology includes the above-listed words, derivatives thereof and words of similar import.

日语词中有和语词、汉语词、外来语、混和词、派生词、造词等。There are Japanese words , Chinese words, mixed words, derivative and coined words etc in Japanese vocabulary.

耶和华也来自于强烈的圣经参考和单词耶和华的派生词,还有另一个单词为上帝,国王或万能的主。Jah also comes from a strong biblical reference and derivative of the word Jehovah, yet another word for god, king or almighty being.

就目前状况看,汉语的词缀数目增多,构词能力增强,许多新造派生词进入交际,从而导致了汉语派生构词手段的发展。Mang newly-coined derivatives have come into communication and as a result, Chinese word formation has found much room for development.

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就目前状况看,汉语的词缀数目增多,构词能力增强,许多新造派生词进入交际,从而导致了汉语派生词构词手段的发展。Many newly-coined derivatives have come into communication and as a result, Chinese word formation has found much room for development.

如果您正在查找一个单词加上它的一个派生词,可以在圆括号中包含派生词的标志字符。If you are looking for a word plus one of its possible derivatives, include the distinguishing characters of the derivative in parentheses.

正因为如此,食品及药物管理局表示,它“并没有对‘天然’这一术语或其派生词的使用加以定义。”It's impossible to say, which is why the FDA notes that it "has not developed a definition for use of the term natural or its derivatives."

现有方法可能涉及根据词的词干或变音位构建正则表达式,以及其他搜索词的语言派生词。Existing approaches might involve building a regular expression based on stems of a word, or metaphone, and other linguistic derivatives of a search term.

本文运用对比分析的方法,在英语和朝鲜语后缀派生词的语类变异、语义变异等方面进行研究。This paper makes various contrastive analyses between English and Korean, mainly the parts of speech change and semantic change function of derivational suffix.

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派生语素附着于其它语素可派生出新词。英语中派生词和合成词都是由这样的语素构成的。Derivational morphemes are used to derive new words when they are added to another morpheme. In English derivatives and compounds are all formed by such morphemes.

本文根据鄂温克语派生词尾所包含的可变元音音位类型,分为六种类型,并具体讨论属于各种类型形态语音变化派生词尾的分类形式及条件。The paper classifies the variable vowel phonetic types included in Ewenki derivational suffixes into six kinds, and discusses the classification form and condition to each type.

而汉语是孤立语,其新词的形成则更多依赖于合成,而一种语言的词汇化程度与该语言中的派生词、复合词、借词等的发达程度有密切关系。English is inflectional language, most new words of which are formed from affixation, while Chinese is isolated morphologically formed, and most new words of which are compounds.