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我愿意感情的热流溢于心间。I love a hot flow of feeling fill my heart.

第三章,提出热流道计算机辅助概念设计的过程框架。In chapter 3, the process frame of hot runner CACD was put forward.

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一时间,一波热流从拉胡尔背部向上涌起,劈头盖脸而来。Suddenly, a wave of heat ripples up Rahul's back and blankets his head.

热流系统的作用就是把材料送到模内的每一浇口。The function of the Heat flow system is to sent materials to sprue gate.

分两个方面介绍了涂层材料低热流长时间气动加热试验情况。Long duration aero-heating experiment for coating materials is introduced.

结果显示,中国大陆地幔热流的空间分布不均匀。Our result shows the nonuniform distribution of mantle heat flow in China.

实验结果表明,两相摩擦压降随着热流密度和出口干度的增大而增大。Two-phase friction pressure drop was increasing as the size was decreasing.

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妈妈和我紧密团结,我心中涌满了温暖的热流。My mother and I tightly hold together, my heart welled up in a warm heat flux.

综述了双辊薄钢带连铸过程中薄带-铸辊界面热流特征的研究进展。The average heat transfer coefficient of the strip-roll interface is summarized.

通过分析边界净热流研究了蒙特卡洛法、离散传递法中的射线效应。Ray Effects in MCM and DTM are studied by analyzing the net heat flux of boundary.

盆地的构造沈降和热流演化具有密切的联系。There is a close relation between the tectonic subsidence and the heat How in basins.

利用红外灯阵模拟空间外热流前,需对灯阵的热流密度不均匀度进行测试。Using the method of Monte Carlo, the irradiation of infrared lamp array is simulated.

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利用高精度差分格式求解了可压缩N-S方程球头热流问题。A high order accurate upwind compact difference scheme for N-S equations is developed.

此外,文中还估算了作用于航天飞机的最大热流。In addition, the maximun heating rate on space shuttle is evaluated also in the paper.

燕山期主要的热流异常中心是成矿的有利部位。The major centers of the Yansanian geothermic anomaly were favorable for ore deposits.

地热流体中一些组分的浓度依赖于热流体温度的高低。The content of some components of geothermal fluid are highly dependent on temperature.

该方法为实现壁面处给定热流边界条件下的直接模拟蒙特卡罗方法提供了途径。In this way, the constant heat flux boundary condition in DSMC method can be implemented.

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老兵们的惨叫致使军队把热流冲击作为合理伤害。The outcry from veterans groups leads the Army to exclude heat stroke as eligible injury.

介绍了热流道系统技术计及热流道产品在注塑模具设计中的应用。Hot runner system technology and the application of hot runner on the design of plastic mold.

分析了结晶器的热流,建立了二维稳定态效学模型。A 2-dimensional steady state mathematical model has been developed for mould thermal behavior.