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你的船是就未来路向亚马逊。Your ship is on the way to Amazonia.

我转身沿路向下滑去,雪地的表面结了一层碎冰。The snow was crusty with ice particles on the surface.

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基地织物是买了从广州,是对未来路向。Base fabric is bought from Guangzhou and is on the way.

窗外,一条碎石路向南延伸。The window looked down on the gravel road stretching south.

提高债务上限之争,路向何方?Where do things stand in the fight to raise the debt ceiling?

别拐第一道右弯口,到第二个岔路路向左转,走上百老汇路。Don't take the first right, take the second left onto Broadway.

现时的中国法学正行进在多元路向上。Chinese legal science is in a progress toward multi-way nowadays.

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引导学生明瞭自己的未来路向,及早订定人生目标。To help shape students' future paths and set a goal of life ahead.

那短短的摇摆的光,纽转方向,顺着伐木路向下。The light turned away, bobbed and swayed back down the logging road.

嗯。然后,我沿着园林路向南开到14号出口出来。B. Um-hmmAfter that, I took the parkway south and got off at Exit 14.

委员出席集思会,筹划房协未来的发展路向。Members mapped out future plans for development at a brainstorming session.

第四部分论述了杨万里以史解易的诠释路向。Part four discussed Yang Wanli's approach of studying ZhouYi through history.

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其基本思想路向概言之即为“返本开新”。Its basic thought road faces to talk it all namely for" return this open new".

随船沿线路向前运动,必须不断地使船锚向前移动。Anchors must be moved ahead periodically as the barge progresses along the route.

我所心仪的是,疑云阵阵、一步一顿的旅程。我要闯新径,觅路向。It was the tricky, halting travel I was after, forging a passage, finding my way.

性的公共管理学路向,将可能从扫荡走向管理。The way of public management of sexuality perhaps will shift from mopping up to regulation.

他补充说民建联会检讨未来的路向,但不会改变党的政治立场。He added that the DAB would review its way forward but would not change its political stance.

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从你家出发,你先顺着田园路向东走,直到滨河路。From your house you can first go eastward along Field Street. Then you'll get to Riverside Road.

从金沙江路地铁站沿金沙江路向西,继续骑30公里直到安亭新镇。Ride west on Jinshajiang Rd from Jinshajiang Subway station. Continue 30 km until Anting New Town.

以柯尔施等人为代表的西方马克思主义开辟了对马克思哲学的新的解释路向。The Western Marxism opened a new way of interpreting Marxist philosophy represented by Karl Korsch, et al.