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而有些海滩却极端迢遥、生僻!Others can generally be extremely remote!

它可以告诉我们是否缺少值,或者是否存在生僻的值。It can tell us whether or not values are missing or outlying.

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大部分生僻字符都没有直接输入,没有任何问题。Most unusual characters can be directly entered without any problems.

但财务困境确是财务金融领域中相对生僻的课题。However, finance distress is really uncommon topic in the financial realm.

这家餐厅倒是不太用生僻的字来拼凑矫情的菜名,因为菜单上还有一道“没烧熟的肝”。The restaurant didn't bother with fancy terms such as rare, because the next item was "Underdone Liver".

一段文字,点缀着一些生僻词,或者一些以我们不熟悉的方式使用的常用词,是会吓人的。A paragraph peppered with unfamiliar words and familiar words used in unfamiliar ways can be intimidating.

在BNF范式编码的基础上,深入讨论了生僻汉字数字化处理问题。Based on BNF code, this paper investigates the problems concerning digital processing of rare Chinese characters.

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这点记忆提高程度,看起来也许并不算很多,但是这是多年以来大量研究数据而得到的平均值,而且记忆测试时候采用的大多是一些生僻难记的词汇,所以这些已经算是已知的可以大幅提高记忆的良方了。That might not sound much, but it is an average over many studies and often for things that are hard to remember.

英国国民党作家既用生僻的细节又用文绉绉的引用来支撑他们的观点的合理性。Both BNP writers also use esoteric detail and scholarly references to increase the apparent validity of their claims.

该研究的主要领头人尼尔戴维斯医生说这项调查是这个生僻领域里最新的综合性数据了。Dr Neal Davis, the study's lead author, said it was the most recent comprehensive data on the little-researched topic.

乡村生态旅游,十年前对人们来说还是生僻的字眼,如今已遍地开花,红火得很了。The village eco-tourism, ten years ago to the people uncommon phrase, now has sprung up everywhere, is prosperous very.

5年后,他以交换生身份前往德国哥廷根大学深造,主修梵文和极为生僻的巴利语等古代语言。Five years later he went to Gottingen University in Germany as an exchange student, majoring in Sanskrit and lesser-known ancient languages like Pali.

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我知道有些人很喜欢口袋字典——这些人知道那些最生僻的词汇都是什么意思,他们讲起语法来头头是道。I know people who are like walking dictionaries – they know the most obscure words in the foreign language and can explain precisely how the grammar works.

俄罗斯西伯利亚的航管员近日称,他们监控到一架高速飞行的飞碟,并监听到飞碟中的女外星人用一种类似猫语的生僻语言讲话。Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language.

有几个同义词并不奇怪,怪就怪在生僻的同义词多得你想把它都记下来几乎成了负担。It takes it for granted to have a few synonyms in any language, but there are too many uncommon synonyms in such a strange language to be able to remember them in for life at all.

其中最大的改变是把给学生考试带来不必要障碍的一些生僻词汇删除,包括对于非英语国家的学生们。Among the biggest changes to the test is the removal of obscure vocabulary words that were an unnecessary barrier for some students, including those whose first language is not English.