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它是有机茶花油。It is organic camellia oil.

想看茶花,正是好时候。This was the camellia season.

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我从未看到过大棵的茶花。I have never seen a big camellia.

当这朵茶花变颜色的时候。When this camellia is a different colour.

你说我这些茶花都是俗品?You say that these are popular products Camellia ?

隐隐约约,在一个小角落里,隐藏着一株小小的茶花。Vaguely, in a small corner, hidden in a small camellias.

是因为空间的关系吗?我从未看到过大棵的茶花。Is it concern of space? I have never seen a big camellia.

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茶花的文字从不刻意调侃,却看了时常让人忍俊不禁。Chahua never teases with her words – she simply amuses you.

嘿嘿!这是茶花和枫树,以及其他的结合。This one is a combination of camellia and momiji, and others.

除了茶花以外,从来没有人看见过她还带过别的花。Marguerite had never been seen with any flowers but camellias.

可是,谁能拒茶花唯美而浪漫的爱情?。But, who can resist camellia only America and the romantic love?

生日的时候,男的喜欢买酒杯,女的喜欢买茶花。On birthdays, men like to buy wine and women like to buy camellias.

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另还有芳香、抗寒、观叶、花篱、矮性茶花品种系列。It also has fragrant, resist cold and getting short camellia series in variety.

给我枝条的先生,不久便可以得到由台湾来的茶花盆栽了。Well! That gentlemen, who gave me cuttings, is going to get camellia bonsais soon.

蜂花粉有荷花蜂花粉、茶花蜂花粉、油菜花蜂花粉长期供应。Bee pollen bee pollen has lotus, camellia bee pollen, bee pollen, rape long-term supply.

你将会看到更多的插花作品,或是利用茶花所做出的花艺展示。You will see some more of the Ikebana, or flower arrangement display by using camellias.

可是,有一天他见到一种花,形状像茶花,叶子一张一合的。But one day, he saw a flower which looks like the camellia, and its leaves moved in regular.

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回收利用。轻松一下看看茶花爱好者的一些家居用品之循环利用。Recycling. A light-hearted look at some of the household materials used by camellia enthusiasts.

这些茶花必须纯色,若是红中夹白,白中带紫,便是下品了。These camellias have a solid color, if white-red in the folder, White in purple, is a low-grade.

我游过华庭寺,又冒着星星点点细雨游了一次黑龙潭,这都是看茶花的名胜地方。In a fine drizzle I left Huating Temple and made my way to Black Dragon Pool, also known for its camellia.